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Have you done chiropratic care for your child?


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Well not me personally, but I do take dd to the chiropractor. When she was little, the carseat would push out her tailbone and make her fussy. The chiro could fix that quite easily. As she got older, we kept up with it every so often, just to put back in place things that got jarred out from falls with ice skating.


What exactly are you trying to fix? Chiro can't do EVERYTHING, but it sure is good for some things. I get adjusted about once a month.

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My ds has benefited from chiro care several times. Most of those times were after an accident. For example, once as a little guy he hit his face on the windowsill when he jumped off his bed and bit his tongue all the way through. It was obvious to me that if he bashed his head like that there might be issues with his head and neck. The chiro confirmed this, and ds could tell a very definite difference.


Ds also needed chiropractic care after sleeping on a moldy mattress for a few weeks. His breathing distress actually made his muscles so tense we had him evaluated for scoliosis. When we figured out the mattress was the culprit he got much better, but the chiropractor also helped straighten him back out.


I do not believe in ROUTINE chiro care unless there is a problem, like scoliosis. If there is a problem, a chiro can be truly wonderful. I am thankful for my chiropractor. If there is no problem, then there is no reason for chiro care.

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We use a chiropractor. He uses an activator most of the time instead of rough manipulation and he does NAET treatments for allergies/sensitivities. At one time my youngest ds and I were both so chemical sensitive that we could hardly go anywhere without a reaction. We still have to be careful but in 2 1/2 yrs we have seen great change.

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We went to a chiropractor a number of times when dd was smaller; we go less often now, because she is more resistant. I'm taking her on Wednesday, in fact, because she fell off a horse a week ago.


Our chiropractor does all kinds of things besides straightforward physical chiropractics. She has outright cured/healed dd of one allergy (to goat milk) that made her hands and feet itch, and one bout of psoriasis that the doctor and dermatologist were struggling with. I cannot believe any of this with the logical side of my mind, so I try to suspend disbelief and just be thankful for the results.

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Our whole family (eight of us) sees the chiropractor. The youngest three have been going since birth.


Before going to the chiropractor, I had problems with my right hip. If I spent very much time on my feet my hip would hurt, and I would start limping. When pregnant I had a lot of pain in my right hip and would be almost crippled by delivery. I wouldn't have trouble during labor, but the part of delivery where the baby is coming between the hips would cause severe pain in my right hip. They would have to hold me down, I was in so much pain. After chiro, I had three big babies with no problems at all.


When dd was six (she's now 12) we found out she had scoliosis. After eighteen months of chiro adjustments, her x-rays were normal.




Edited by Melinda S in TX
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We went to a chiropractor a number of times when dd was smaller; we go less often now, because she is more resistant. I'm taking her on Wednesday, in fact, because she fell off a horse a week ago.


Our chiropractor does all kinds of things besides straightforward physical chiropractics. She has outright cured/healed dd of one allergy (to goat milk) that made her hands and feet itch, and one bout of psoriasis that the doctor and dermatologist were struggling with. I cannot believe any of this with the logical side of my mind, so I try to suspend disbelief and just be thankful for the results.

You should talk to your chiropractor about how it works. She was probably working with your dd's meridian points. That is the main thing that NAET does and it works! When our 'electrical' system is out of whack our body is unable to deal with many things all the way from physical to emotional.

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I don't understand how it works, but a GOOD chiropractor can be practically a miracle worker. I've also gone to chiropractors that were pretty much worthless. Now, they might be effective for someone else, but for my issues, it didn't really help.


But, the good ones....wow. I had a severe problem when I first got married that prevented me from being able to have certain aspects to our marital relationship. It was horrific, and numerous doctors were unable to help. I was very depressed, and in a lot of pain. I finally mentioned it to the chiropractor, and he did this weird thing with tapping and my arm, not physically related to the area, but it was literally a miracle. It solved the problem. Wasn't perfect, but it made things possible, and may have saved my marriage. Literally a miracle.


After Anna was born, she was sort of crooked. She had a somewhat traumatic birth, with a vacuum extraction and some time in the NICU. When she lay on her tummy, she just looked lopsided. She even rolled over at six weeks, bc it just sort of put her on an angle. She also wasn't using the left side of her body nearly as much as her right. I took her to the pediatrician, who said to monitor it, and if it wasn't better in a month we'd put her in physical therapy. I took her to the chiropractor (who was the dad to five kids and grandpa to two), who said, "Yup, this spot right here is messed up pretty badly. Very gently he held her on his chest and lightly pressed on a spot. That afternoon she started using the left side of her body. Again, it was pretty miraculous.


I don't understand how a lot of it can work. It makes no logical sense, how it works, even though I've heard all the stuff about meridians and stuff. I find myself thinking that it has to be nonsense, but the results have been startling, so I also just try to suspend disbelief. One chiropractor told me, "Honestly, there are a lot of theories, but nobody really knows how or why this stuff works. All I know is that I've been doing it for 25 years, and it seems to work. So, I keep doing it."

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We see a chiropractor for preventative care and overall welness. I view it as proactive more than reactive, although you can use it reactively at times.


I have used chiropractic for many years (since early 20s), with breaks. My husband has used it less. My daughter was adjusted reactively as a baby for a foot positioning issue. Then when she was diagnosed with SPD. I decided to research chiropractic as a form of care. I know see it as just as important as her Occupational Therapy or Vision Therapy!


My daughter's behavior (ADHD) is affected when she has a sublexation. She knows herself when she is out now and asks to get adjusted. She does thsi with cranio-sacral too. That has probably had the most profound impact recently.


Anyway, our chiropractor uses the low force activator to do adjustments rather than force adjustments. It has helped us with so many issues, including maintaining our overall wellness, that I work there P/T now! It is worth it to me just in free adjustments!


I think chiropractic just makes sense. Our whole family gets adjusted and I would do it proactively. But it has certainly been effective reactively for us.

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