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Anybody have a great rice pudding recipe?

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I would love to have a great rice pudding recipe. I tried one from the Internet and one from Sue Gregg's cookbook, and my family didn't like either one. My dc like the consistency and flavor of the Kozy Shack pudding from the grocery store; this is what I'm trying to duplicate if possible. Plain ol' sweet creamy rice pudding -- no raisins, lemon, nutmeg, etc. Oh, and if it can be made with leftover cooked rice that would be a bonus :)


If you have a recipe like this, could you post it? Thanks!

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my grandmother used to make it, but she didn't teach my mother or me (I lived with her until I was 11, then again when I was a senior in high school). My mother and I loved that rice pudding but were unable to find a recipe that tasted *right*.


And then I found it in The America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook. All you do is use twice as much milk as rice, add sugar to taste, cook it on the stovetop until it's pudding, and add a little vanilla flavoring. Voila! Rice pudding just like Grandmother's. You *may* add raisins or nutmeg or whatever for variety, but it is optional.


I made this once for guests who were allergic to dairy; coconut milk worked just fine as a substitute.


ETA: that's twice as much milk as *cooked* rice. Also, I've tried recipes that use egg and are baked (including one of Martha Stewart's), and none of them are quite like *this* recipe, which comes out just like Grandmother used to make :-)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I do the same, just cook on medium to low heat stirring frequently. Do not boil or you will have rice and curds. Eventually the starch in the rice will thicken the milk and become creamy. It thickens even more as it cools.

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Creamy Rice Pudding


Steam covered in the top of a double boiler over--not in--boiling water about one hour:


1 c short or medium grain rice

6 c hot milk

1 t salt


Stir frequently (constantly) and watch that the water in the bottom of the pan does not boil off. When the rice is tender, cool slightly and add:


2 T butter

2 t vanilla

2 t sugar


Serve as a pudding hot or cold (I think it's best warm!) on its own or with stewed or canned fruit.


I make this every Christmas and my family devours it. We serve it plain or with lingonberries stirred in.

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Here is ours that's a big hit here. It's a stove top recipe and yummo! I always make extra rice just to be make this.


1 1/2c cooked rice 1 egg, beaten

2 cups milk (divided) 1 tablespoon butter

1/3 c. white sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt



combine 1 1/2c cooked rice, 1 1/2c milk, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until thick and creamy, 15-20min. Stir in remaining 1/2c milk and beaten egg. Cook 2 minutes more stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla.


It's a little time consuming but I usually make it while I am cleaning the kitchen so I can stir or my middle son who is my sous chef tends to it.

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Mine's an oven-baked recipe, and I like it. It's creamier if you use a higher-fat milk or add some cream in with the milk. I always use leftover cooked rice.


4 cups milk

4 eggs

1 t vanilla

1/2 cup sugar

salt to taste

1/2 cup or more cooked rice


Beat eggs and milk together very well in a deep casserole dish, add vanilla, salt, and sugar and mix well. Add rice and make sure it's all seperated and not chunky. Bake at 350 for an hour or more, uncovered, until it's getting a little brown on top.

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