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Book a Week in 2010 - Week 47

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Today is the start of book week 47 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Where are you in your quest? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews.


52 books blog - T is for thanksgiving. What a coincidence that this week starts with T. What are you thankful for this week. I'm thankful for all the blessings in my life and each and every single day. Especially today since it is my birthday - the big 51. I really don't need more books. However... Can't think of anything else that I want. I don't 'need' anything. Sending John and James off with a big list to the store. Will be interesting to see what they come back with.


What are you reading this week?

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This week I finished up #62 - Legacy of a Pack Rat, by Ruth Bell Graham. Inspirational short *devotional*-type writings - as expected.


Am about to finish #63 - Good Morning, Merry Sunshine: A Father's Journal of His Child's First Year, by Bob Greene. I first read this book long years ago before I was a mom and it made an impression on me - so much so that I kept it all these years. I am now re-reading it, with the intention of passing it on when I finish - and wondering if I actually will pass it on . . .


Reading it from this side of motherhood is a happy/sad/nostalgic trip down memory lane. I've been teary more than once reading it, and I've also laughed out loud at some of it, and nodded my head in complete understanding, too. I have particularly appreciated his honesty concerning the travel his job entailed as my dh for a time had to travel also and we could not always go with him. The author's keen observations are spot-on and I find myself recalling many different stories about my own ds' first year - and am doubly glad I wrote as many notes and stories about those early years as I did (and still do!)


Up next is an Elizabeth Goudge book - my first ever by this author. I am looking forward to it based on the responses to this author on another Hive thread. :)

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I've almost finished Wuthering Heights this week. Don't love it, but love this discussion going on over on the high school board about the book!


It's that crazy time of year for a church musician -- I'm not sure how much reading or listening to audio books I'll accomplish between now and Christmas as the music obligations are beginning to pile up.

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I finished Crashing Through by Robert Kurson. It was awesome. It's the true story about a man who was blinded as a child, but regained his sight as an adult. Very inspiring.


I also finished #44, The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike. It was good if you like vampire stories. I'm on Black Blood (the 2nd in the Christopher Pike series) now.

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Stacia, I have to say that I absolutely LOVE that image. :D Fat and chubby babies just bring a smile to my face. I just want to squoosh and moosh those cheeks. Thank you for making my morning. :grouphug: I miss you. :) Wish I had a good book recommendation for you. It can be hard.


I'm reading up on the HCG diet ... in an effort to try to lose anywhere from 10-20 pounds and hopefully keep it off. Trying to read up as much as I can on this before hopefully starting it soon. Very boring, I know ;). No time for fiction at the moment. And I really and truly miss some good fiction.

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I've almost finished Wuthering Heights this week. Don't love it, but love this discussion going on over on the high school board about the book!


It's that crazy time of year for a church musician -- I'm not sure how much reading or listening to audio books I'll accomplish between now and Christmas as the music obligations are beginning to pile up.


How about playing through a few entire hynmals/songbooks while you practice and counting those;):D? Technically, you will be reading books.

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I finished the Duggar book. I'm reading through Montaigne again as I had put it aside while I was caught up in the Shadow Children series.


I have to keep reminding myself of when Montaigne was alive to keep from getting annoyed at what is written about women.


I wonder if I had been alive then if I would have been upset at the attitude toward women or if I would have believed and accepted it as that is how I would have brought up.

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I am sinking fast and needed to throw things overboard. NaNoWriMo went by the wayside. I gave up on Life of Johnson by Boswell. Not that I didn't like it but I just felt the timing was wrong for me to really enjoy it right now. I'm vowing to read again at another less overwhelming time of the year. Still struggling through Confessions by Augustine but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Tried to read this awful, awful book called The Given Day by Dennis Lehane. Now I know why I don't read a lot of modern books, so incredibly bleak and sordid and brutal and crude. I got through about 2/3's and then decided life was too short. I started reading it because it is set in Boston in 1917/18 which is when my imagined NaNoWriMo book was set. I wanted to read something historically set then. But the author is just so impoverished when it comes to any sort of moral imagination, felt like I had to take a bath every time I read it! So now I've started on The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin. Ah! Something noble and cheerful! Breath of fresh air!

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