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Roast sweet potato wedge recipe--help???

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I would like to roast sweet potatoes in wedges for Thanksgiving. I am envisioning a simple process of tossing them in melted butter and roasting uncovered. However, I have never done this before--it's just an idea. I am concerned that my idea will not turn out.


Has anyone done this before? Have a recipe to share? Tips?



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I just did this tonight for dinner! It was so delish. I chopped them into cubes, didn't even peel them, drizzled olive oil all over and tossed in sage and sprinkled on salt and pepper. I crumbled some goat cheese in there, threw it in the oven at about 375 for, I dunno, 45 minutes, and it was wonderful. My guest had 3 helpings!


I got this recipe from a friend a few weeks ago and I am so glad...it's a keeper!

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You don't want to use butter, it will burn to easily. I use EVOO as stated above. I cut them into smaller chunks though. See, they are very moist and mushy when cooked, unlike potatoes. They don't get as crispy on the outside as a potato. So you have to make the pieces small enough to roast evenly and get crispy enough to hold up to the moisture inside. Slice almost like steak fries in wedges, put them in a big zip lock with lots of kosher salt and pepper and the EVOO and then roast in a hot oven, I do 425, for about 30 minutes. Watch them though, because the sugar in the sweet potatoes will burn.




If you are nervous, why not make one sweet potato this way tomorrow night just to try it out?

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Roasted is the only way we eat sweet potatoes. Ds#2 once almost cried when my sister-in-law mashed the sweet potato.


What we do is wash (& peel if you want), then chop the sweet potatoes up into wedges, fries, cubes, chunks, whatever size you want. The smaller the size the quicker it will cook. Put some cooking oil in a bowl & toss the pieces in it making sure all sides are coated with oil. Place on a cookie sheet lined with baking paper for quick clean-up. Roast in a hot oven (I use the fan-bake option on my oven & bake at 200C) until golden, tender inside & crisp outside. 30-45 minutes usually.


Most roast meals we do a mixture of potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, & onions done this way. Sprinkle on some herbs & a bit of salt & pepper if you desire. Great with any roast dinner, just add some greens.

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Well, it's true that mine done yesterday at 375 were not as crisp as when I did them last time about 425. However, the lower temp kept my goat cheese from burning, so instead it got all melty. At 375 they did have a good texture, but if I weren't using goat cheese I'd definitely put it above 400, too

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