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Help me find a gift for my 21 yo sister please!!!

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She just turned 21. I already gave her wine glasses and wine for her birthday. My sis bought her own house a couple years ago. She has everything she needs for the house. I thought about Christmas decorations, but she doesn't want to store them. I've thought about tickets to a play nearby, but her work schedule is crazy, so I can't pick a date. Clothes are really hard because my sis is a very large girl. If I buy an XXL, she's upset because it's an XXL.


She loves kids. Loves them. She doesn't really have too many hobbies. She scrapbooks, but not often. She loves movies. Hates to cook. Loves junk food.


iTunes gift card seems like it requires no thought, but it's my go-to gift at this point.


Ideas? Please?

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When I'm stumped for a gift, I always like to browse Etsy.com for unique things.


You could get the iTunes gift card and put it inside of a jar of Hershey Kisses or something like that. Gift card for somewhere to eat maybe?


Does she like to read?


You mentioned that she loves movies....does she have Netflix? Maybe you could give her a Netflix subscription for several months. Or a movie basket. Throw in some snacks, a DVD, gift card to the movie theater, etc.

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Tickets to the movie theater! Perfect! I think I'll do that with a gift card to her favorite restaurant for a night out.


She does have Netflix. I love the idea of an iTunes gift card hidden in some of her favorite snacks. But, I'm not sure I want to give her more junk food, KWIM?


She does like to read. But, her tastes are so different than mine. She likes HP and the Twilight type books. Blech.



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What about gift certificate for a massage, manicure, or some other service thing?


Do you have a Super Supper or some other place like that where you assemble meals for the freezer? Or make your own? If she hates to cook she might enjoy having a meal she can heat up with little effort.


My sister is single and has a demanding job so she doesn't cook a lot because she's too tired and it's a pain to cook for one. One year I gave her individual sized portions of chili, stuffed peppers, lasagne and a couple of other of things she said she liked a lot.


How about Netflix subscription if she doesn't already have one?

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I love Barnes & Nobel gift cards as gifts. My dd received a movie theater pass for her b day and LOVED it! I may steel this one for my sister and her family. Thank you.


Tickets to the movie theater! Perfect! I think I'll do that with a gift card to her favorite restaurant for a night out.


She does have Netflix. I love the idea of an iTunes gift card hidden in some of her favorite snacks. But, I'm not sure I want to give her more junk food, KWIM?


She does like to read. But, her tastes are so different than mine. She likes HP and the Twilight type books. Blech.



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