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HCG Levels and Ultrasounds

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I had my first HCG done today I am 5 weeks and 6 days my HCG was 9,118. I am having an ultrasound tommorrow. Should I be able to see alot, or what should I be able to see? Does my HCG seem high for 5 weeks and 6 days. I will be 6 weeks tommorrow. Thanks for any and all imput. I am a little nervous because I had a molar pregnancy earlier this year.

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As I recall, I could not see a great deal at 6 weeks. I have not had a molar pregnancy, but mine were high risk, complicated and I've had miscarriages. I share this so that you know I do empathize with you..... Both my hcg and progesterone levels were so high with my first dd, the docs did a couple ultrasounds looking for twins! She is 14 now....

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I had my first HCG done today I am 5 weeks and 6 days my HCG was 9,118. I am having an ultrasound tommorrow. Should I be able to see alot, or what should I be able to see? Does my HCG seem high for 5 weeks and 6 days. I will be 6 weeks tommorrow. Thanks for any and all imput. I am a little nervous because I had a molar pregnancy earlier this year.


I don't know about HCG levels, but here's my u/s pic at about 6 weeks. Not much to see for the untrained eye, however, we could actually see and hear the heartbeating in that little tiny speck :) It was very encouraging after two miscarriages.




Good luck tomorrow!

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Thank you all for your support and prayers! I really love having this great group of women to come to for advice! Tina were you 6 weeks exactly on the ultrasound or 6 weeks and a few day! Thanks Susan


I have been 5 weeks and able to see the small rice-speck and see heartbeat. Also, about this far along when I saw it with my twins. I have had several pregnancies when I got this early u/s.


Will be thinking about you, Susan.

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They were able to see fetal pole and embryo. I am measuring 5 weeks and 6 days! We didn't see a heartbeat but the doctor thinks everything looks encouraging and he wanted me to come back in on the 29th but I will be on my cruise .I will be coming back in on the 6th of December! Please keep the baby and I in your prayers. What gestational age did most of you see a heartbeat.

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I am fuzzy on this, but I don't think I've ever seen a heartbeat before 6 weeks (many pregancies). With the twins (most recent pregnancy) we saw what you just saw at just under 6 weeks and then saw the heartbeats at 7 weeks and maybe one or rwo days.


If I wrack my brain, I would have to say that with all pregnancies, we saw heartbeats between 7 and 9 weeks. Twin pregnancy was monitored more closely b/c of my progesterone levels.


Thoughts and prayers - sounds to me like you are doing great!

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Will they not give you another u/s, say Wednesday? I know how much I worried, that is why I am asking. I actually went to a local clinic, it was a spinoff of the Right to Life clinics that were around in the 90's. They did a free u/s. Just a thought to give you peace of mind.


I know I saw a heartbeat after m/c at 6 weeks, 5 days. Will keep you in prayer. :grouphug:

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