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Bible Verse Memorization


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Our church provides our list each year by week, so I use it. But I wanted to say 4 things -

1) my friend's church does theirs as this really cool Sword Drill where there are set questions with answers from scripture. Do the caller calls a question. The kids have to find the standard reference they were given for the answer, flip to it, review, step back, close Bibles. Then the caller calls on one and they recite the scripture by memory. it was an awesome thing to see! I want to begin this.

2) Memorizing whole books or chapters is awesome and I think even more helpful. Check out John Piper reciting some here - You’ve gotta let your kids watch it. not only a fabulous example of hiding the word in our hearts, but also a good example of how to orate!


3) Use a review system like Mnemosyne or Simply Charlotte Mason's to help them stick for life.

4) be accountable to someone and you'll learn more faster.


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We are doing AWANA Sparks for our Bible memorization. I know you said you can't make it to the meetings, but they have all their verses set to music on a CD and it has done wonders with our 5 year old. The music is very catchy and she seems to be able to memorize anything if it's set to music. Maybe you could just get a copy of the CD and book?

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I have my kids copy one verse for copywork every day in print and cursive. By the end of the week, it's memorized. Then every 3rd week, they review the previous 2 weeks' verses so they don't forget. I got the list from some Christian school's website listing what they use at the school.

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2) Memorizing whole books or chapters is awesome and I think even more helpful. Check out John Piper reciting some here - You’ve gotta let your kids watch it. not only a fabulous example of hiding the word in our hearts, but also a good example of how to orate!


We do this as a church.


However, for my kids (b/c they are so young), we are working on whatever is relevant in their lives. I have a memorization notebook with verses to practice daily, odd & even days, and specific school days of the week (got the idea from here :)). Verses get moved down as they are memorized. My 1st grader also copies her verse for the week as part of writing to help her memorize. My 1st grader memorizes 1/week. My 3yo memorizes 1 or 2/month.


As far as what is relevant? Ephesians 6:1; Proverbs 3:7; Proverbs 10:19; James 1:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Psalm 119:11; Philippians 2:14...the list goes on and on. The Lord tends to lead me to great verses during my quiet time for what my kids are struggling with.



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This is what we use, as well. We like to memorize whole chapters and use this system to break them down into manageable chunks. We have memorized quite a bit as a family using this simple system.

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big chunks of scripture or a chapter as well. What works best for us is using some sign language along with the scripture to help make it stick. You can make your own signs if you don't know ASL.


Here are some favorites:


Psalm 139

Psalm 19

Psalm 1

John 1

Romans 12

Philippians 2

The 10 commandments from Exodus 20

Luke 2

Books of the OT and NT




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I found these helpful. There are three books starting at age 2 and going to 12th grade.





We use these as a starting point, and add in fuller passages. I really like my kids to memorize passages that include narration and dialogue. It's so fun for them to *memorize* the Bible story. It also helps them learn to recite it expressively.

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