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Chocolate shortage? Say it isn't so!

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How long does cocoa powder last? If I start to hoard it now, perhaps I can at least make batches of fudge or a cup of hot choc when I can no longer afford dark chocolate bars. :crying: :ack2:


Ummm, should I admit this? I bought 20 pounds of cocoa powder in 1995, canned it (dry pack) and haven't used it as much as I thought we would. It looks, smells and tastes the same. Does not smell rancid. If you have a cool, dry place to store it, and it is in cans--well, based on my experience, 15+ years?


I'm sure I have just grossed out a lot of people...hopefully the information can help people...:tongue_smilie:

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Yay! That's my first good idea in a long time! Maybe they'll even have sales this time of year since it's the baking season. Normally I would avoid hoarding because there are hoarders in my family, but this seems like an emergency situation. :lol:


Thank you to the person who has already "tested" this theory. I'm glad to hear it just might work. Ha! :thumbup:

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Oh no! See, now we're all gonna panic and rush to the store to stock up on 10 years' supply of chocolate. We'll end up with a sudden shortage and the prices will shoot sky-high, proving to us that this predicted crisis was true. But we'll be all set because we are the ones who stocked up!! Then a year from now we'll be back to normal. Except instead of 80 pounds of leftover stockpiled beans, we'll have nothing left, cause we finished our 80 pounds of stockpiled chocolate 6 months ago;)

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Oh no! See, now we're all gonna panic and rush to the store to stock up on 10 years' supply of chocolate. We'll end up with a sudden shortage and the prices will shoot sky-high, proving to us that this predicted crisis was true. But we'll be all set because we are the ones who stocked up!! Then a year from now we'll be back to normal. Except instead of 80 pounds of leftover stockpiled beans, we'll have nothing left, cause we finished our 80 pounds of stockpiled chocolate 6 months ago;)


Oh yes, we'll have something left - an extra 20 lbs on our hips and a big smile.

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Oh no! See, now we're all gonna panic and rush to the store to stock up on 10 years' supply of chocolate. We'll end up with a sudden shortage and the prices will shoot sky-high, proving to us that this predicted crisis was true. But we'll be all set because we are the ones who stocked up!! Then a year from now we'll be back to normal. Except instead of 80 pounds of leftover stockpiled beans, we'll have nothing left, cause we finished our 80 pounds of stockpiled chocolate 6 months ago;)


You can can all that chocolate too. I have a neighbor that does this. She buys candy after the holidays when it goes on sale and cans it all. I was thinking I may need a year supply of chocolate as well. You know, for survival.

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