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Can I ask for prayers for my grandbaby?

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DGS is 4 months old and had some odd skin lesions at birth. My step-daughter called today after finally seeing the dermatologist. The dermatologist is concerned it is a rare genetic disease that may potentially be very serious and referred them for genetic testing. If it is this particular disease it can vary widely in the severity of symptoms.


Please pray that it isn't the suspected disease and is something harmless instead. If it is the disease, that it be mild. Also, please pray for DD; she is young (19 YO) and is already in a less than ideal situation. Having a child with medical needs is going to be very, very hard for her. (She had a *very* hard time just dealing with her sisters' hearing loss).


Thanks! Oh, and you might say a few prayers for G-ma to be able to handle things diplomatically and provide support without telling them how to do things and alienating DSD in the process. Her relationship with us has been very trying over the past few years.

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Thanks all! I am still kind of in a fog. I am so worried even though I am telling myself to wait until we get the official diagnosis.


Is this disease EB? I can't remember the long name.

No, the abbreviation is TSC. It can cause epilepsy, cognitive disability and a host of other things.


I truly appreciate the prayers.

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Thanks to everyone! They have an appointment with the neurosurgeon on November 16th that saw DGS after the car wreck they had when he was 4 days old. This disorder has some neurological manifestations, including seizures. Since he had already seen this doctor and was due for a follow-up anyway, it was the quickest route to see someone and hopefully get some answers.


Please keep praying and I will update then!

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