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On Bed Rest!!!

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So yesterday I was having cramps in my lower abdomen and back and slight bleeding (TMI, I know), so I went to my OB. Baby is fine (s/he was practically dancing on the u/s) and growing well, but they can't figure out why I have pains or bleeding. OB gave me something for the pain and put me on bed rest for 4 days. Today was day 1 and I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Sure, laying around all day sounds good in theory, but in reality,it blows. I'm tired of TV, tired of reading and even tired of the internet! Can you believe it? How am I going to make it through the next 3 days?

I was on bed rest from 28w-32w when I was pg with Indy, but I was further along than I am now and really just wanted to sleep all day, so it wasn't bad.

I'm only 12w4d with this one and I want to do something! I had such a big weekend planned! My friend has a going away party tonight, Indy has a soccer game tomorrow, plus we have a Halloween/birthday party for a friend, there's a HUGE 4 day flea market going on AND I planned to go to IKEA. Now I can't do any of it. Gah!

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I'm so worried about being put on bed rest at some point! Even when I was recovering from abdominal surgery and, later, the flu, all I could think about was getting up to vacuum or do some laundry - things I never really think about doing otherwise, lol. It's SO boring!!!


Maybe you can find some good movies online?



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I was on bedrest with DD from 22 weeks to 34 1/2 weeks, in and out of the hospital. I did a lot of crafts. I also went crazy and decided on a nursery theme that was only available in England at a ridiculous shipping cost.


What's funny is that even though I remember each day seemed very slow, looking back, the whole time kind of blended together.

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I was on bedrest for 17 weeks with baby 2, 5,6,&7...That os 17 weeks EACH!! We got tons of school done...I had their books in laundry baskets which we flipped over and used as desks. We drew, colored, ate snacks, watched tons of movies history and science shows, read tons of books etc. No one expected me to go anywhere or do anything....so I just spent time with my kids. It was stressful due to worrying about the new one coming...but I really had quality time with my kids. Sometimes I really miss thiose days.....especially when i am running all over the place like a chicken without a head.


Hope all works out for you. My babies ended up fine.



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Well, yes, about bedrest, it's pretty awful! But since it's the best you can do to take care of your baby you will do it. :D I was on bedrest off and on until 20 weeks and then for the rest of my 1st pregnancy. Hang in there and have a nice chat with your baby.

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I was on bed rest for 2-3 months with each child. I can sympathize with how crazy it can make you. I took up tatting and made a bonnet for one and booties for the other. I haven't had time to tat since!

Yes! To daydreaming about things you really want to do, insane things like dust, wash windows, organize drawers, clean the shower... but I pined for it all!

My fingers are crossed for you only needing these few days!:grouphug:

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