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anybody have any great remedies for insomnia???

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5-htp will help replenish your serotonin levels, which are likely depleted. Add the valerian (I buy Nature's Way valerian w/bee balm) and passion flower. I heard a dr recommend this for women with sleep issues and it cured me of insomnia for a year. I just started this up last week, as my serotonin got depleted again.:glare:

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Ambien. The gift of the gods.


Seriously there are lots of things you can try.


Regular exercise

Do not exercise within 2 hours of your normal bed time

Develop a sleep schedule and stick to it. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day - even weekends

Do not use the bed for anything but sleep and teA.

Cut out sugar and caffeine

Eat a bed time snack


I can not take melatonin because it keeps me awake. Valerian is great for mild insomnia. It has a funky smell that you may have to get past.


Some OTC medications work wonders for people. You might want to try Unisom. Some insomniacs take a Benedryl or two or even a hit of Nyquil.


Good luck. I hope you get it figured out really soon. Once insomnia becomes chronic your life revolves around it.

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I use Calm (magnesium), benadryl, and White Dove Sleep (tincture). They all work well for me, and I'm always rotating what I use.


Yesterday I was at the health food store looking at all of the sleep aid remedies, wondering if there was a product I ought to try. :bigear:

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Cal/Mag supplement at bedtime (but one not also containing vitamin D or zinc)


Yeast-Cleanse by Soloray (check vitamin stores). Don't know why, but it helps me sleep (I guess because too much yeast can cause insomnia?) (about 2 caps/night) http://www.amazon.com/Solaray-Yeast-Cleanse-180-capsules/dp/B00014DJZI


avoid taking vitamins (B, C, D etc.) after around noon


avoid coffee after noon


exercise, especially strength-training/weight-lifting

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Some insomniacs take a Benedryl or two or even a hit of Nyquil.


Good luck. I hope you get it figured out really soon. Once insomnia becomes chronic your life revolves around it.


Great idea! I have had between 0 and 3 hours of sleep a night for weeks. I then take a 2-3 hour nap in the morning (after the kids are up and on the bus or started on schoolwork), which totally messes up my day. Plus, I am always tired.


I'm going to try that tonight to see if I can get out of this horrible cycle.

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Cal/Mag supplement at bedtime (but one not also containing vitamin D or zinc)


Yeast-Cleanse by Soloray (check vitamin stores). Don't know why, but it helps me sleep (I guess because too much yeast can cause insomnia?) (about 2 caps/night) http://www.amazon.com/Solaray-Yeast-Cleanse-180-capsules/dp/B00014DJZI


avoid taking vitamins (B, C, D etc.) after around noon


avoid coffee after noon


exercise, especially strength-training/weight-lifting[/QUOTe






hmmm...I've been taking high doses of vitamin d at night (dr's orders...the high dosage part) for several weeks. think I'll rethink that.

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Keep in mind that they have reformulated OTC Benedryl. It used to be my go to for those odd nights. Now I have to be careful because if I take more than one it hypes me up.


I'm going to use Nyquil to break this cycle, which is caused by worrying and turned into a habit. It is the only good thing about having a bad cold because it makes me deliciously sleepy. So it should work. I am so glad you posted about this because I didn't think of it.

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hmmm...I've been taking high doses of vitamin d at night (dr's orders...the high dosage part) for several weeks. think I'll rethink that.


Yes, I'd try to do your high dose in the morning, first thing when you get up, instead. See if that helps. (I take 5000 units, but if I forget, I wait till the next morning)

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