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Any resources for ds, 8, who wants to learn about genetics?


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Ds wants to explore genetics. This is not an official part of our school plan this year, but I want to support his interest in this. Genetics is pretty far beyond the scope of science that we've covered so far, but ds can handle scientific material written up to about 6th/7th grade level. That's still pretty early for genetics to pop up (if I remember right that is.....middle school was a LLLLOOOOONNNNGGGG time ago for me :tongue_smilie:).


Does anyone know of any resources that might whet his appetite without getting too technical?

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Have you got any science museums nearby? Besides a gigantic traveling exhibit on genetics that came to ours a couple of years ago, there are usually some small bits and pieces on genetics in Natural History or regular science museums.


There is a series of easy picture books: DNA Is Here to Stay;Amazing Schemes Within Your Genes; Gene Machines; Have a Nice DNA.


You can get instructions on how to extract DNA from fruit in multiple places on the web, including biology.about.com Carolina Biological Supply has a kit for making a DNA necklace.


Zome Tools used to have a small kit for making a 3-D model of DNA.


http://www.mysciencebox.org/home has a link to a unit on genetics, including some fun activities like designing a dog through genetic selection. Some will be too advanced for your child, but others might be great to play around with.

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I love this board! Where else can a person get ump-teen wonderful suggestions on a relatively obscure topic within a day?


WeHomeSchool...love the lesson plan...you obviously put a ton of work into those.


Everyone else - thanks for the great book suggestions and internet links. Our local library had most of the books and my son can't wait to get to the web sites.


Thanks to all!

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I've just found a new series which I'm excited about. Renaissance Learning gives it a 8.7-8.8 grade reading level. The series title is The Story of Science, not to be confused w/ Hakim's Story of Science trilogy. THe book which is about genetics is The Treasure of Inheritance. These are OOP but my library system as them all. I've checked out The Miracle of Immunity, The Ever-Changing Atom and The Tales Fossils Tell. These books first go through the historical context of the topic and then into current scientific knowledge of the subject. My 2nd and 5th grade boys were fighting over who'd get to read the Fossil's book during reading time. :001_smile:


Titles in this series:

Dance of the COntinents

Early Humans

Earth's Place in Space

The Ever-Changing Atom

Eyes on the Universe

The Life Stories of Stars

The Miracle of Immunity

The Mystery of Gravity

The Origins of Life

The Tales Fossils Tell

The Treasure of Inheritance

The Wonders of Biodiversity



There is also the Usborne book on Genetics and DNA which someone mentioned above. I know there is another but I can't recall the title. I'll ask my friend.

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