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Have you seen light at the end of the homeschooling tunnel lately?

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I wanted to share my experience of getting a glimpse at the light at the end of the homeschooling tunnel and wondered if anyone else has one to share.


This morning dd15 was in the shower before I was even out of bed. Then she emptied the dishwasher without being asked and took the milk container out to the recycling bin in the garage. There is hope! :)

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Sigh.....no, no end of this dark, dark tunnel here.


I wanted to share my experience of getting a glimpse at the light at the end of the homeschooling tunnel and wondered if anyone else has one to share.


This morning dd15 was in the shower before I was even out of bed. Then she emptied the dishwasher without being asked and took the milk container out to the recycling bin in the garage. There is hope! :)

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DD 19, our homeschool graduate, was lecturing her brothers the other day on the importance of doing their work willingly and without complaint!


She then offered to sit with ds13 while he did his algebra as she was done studying for her cardiology/pulmonology exam. It's a nice feeling...that's for certain. I didn't take her up on it though because she and ds are kind of "oil and water"...someone would end up wounded or dead! LOL



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I wanted to share my experience of getting a glimpse at the light at the end of the homeschooling tunnel and wondered if anyone else has one to share.


This morning dd15 was in the shower before I was even out of bed. Then she emptied the dishwasher without being asked and took the milk container out to the recycling bin in the garage. There is hope! :)




Yes, here we got going full-bore this week, after a 3 week 'ramp-up,' and DD14 and DD12 were up b4 6:00am (usually my alone time for bible reading), walking the dogs, and cracking open their Latin and 'Traditional Logic.' DD12 was slightly perturbed (so cute!) because DW hadn't finalized the math lesson requirement in her weekly planner on Sunday night!


So thankful for DCs that love to learn...


but I must say that that light at the end of the tunnel makes me melancholy...don't want it to come too soon!

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