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The snake in my garage


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There is a large black rat snake in my garage. Dh found it and won't move it just yet because it may chase the mouse I found two nights ago!


MY CAR IS IN THERE! I don't even want to go in there now.




Hopefully he will get it out by tonight.



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I have to take the boys to scouts this evening. I think I will have DH remove the car for me and just not park in there when I get home, OR I will have HIM back the car out for me! :D


It is still very warm here. I don't know if the mouse can fit under the garage door. The door was left open all day which is how he got in, but I shut it when I realized it was open.




How is the weather where you live? If it isn't very cold at night, I bet the mouse has long gone.


I wouldn't go anywhere near that garage as long as a snake is in residence, no matter how beneficial the snake is.

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I'm guessing the rat snake is more scared of you than you are of him. I'm not a snake expert (my son has a corn snake, similar to a rat snake) but I don't think rat snakes are supposed to be too aggressive. Why not just coax him out with some kind of long-handled tool. Yelling at him won't help because they are deaf.:D

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:eek: I've never seen a snake anywhere, let alone around my house. One of the few reasons I'm glad I live in England.. it's unusual to see them and the only venomous ones are the vipers. But I'd probably run a mile if I did see one. :leaving: If I could control the shaking of my knees enough to do so!

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Is it Ireland that has no snakes?


Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, New Zealand, Newfoundland and Antarctica have no native snakes.. although some may have escaped from zoos so you can never be sure. How do I know that? Because I'm snake phobic (is there a proper word for that?!) and I once looked it up to see where I could live happily, knowing I'd never meet a snake :)

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