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What do you think about hand sanitizer being everywhere?


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In general, I'm anti-hand sanitizer. However, when at powwow this weekend, we only had portapotties. They had handsanitizer. I used it because there were no sinks and soap around. I just bought a bottle, because I'm sneezing and blowing my nose constantly, not always with a bathroom around to wash my hands...so it works for when I'm out and about. Otherwise, any other places, any other time of year, I avoid it. Basically, it has it's place as a limited use item.

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In general, I'm anti-hand sanitizer. However, when at powwow this weekend, we only had portapotties. They had handsanitizer. I used it because there were no sinks and soap around. I just bought a bottle, because I'm sneezing and blowing my nose constantly, not always with a bathroom around to wash my hands...so it works for when I'm out and about. Otherwise, any other places, any other time of year, I avoid it. Basically, it has it's place as a limited use item.

The portapotties at my city's 4th of July festival only had hand sanitizer too, and I cannot tell you how badly that grossed me out! I mean, some people are a bit, uh, sloppy when cleaning themselves. Hand sanitizer doesn't wash that off! :001_huh:

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One great thing I learned when my dd was in pre-school: sneeze into your shoulder or elbow. That way the germs won't spread to others as easily.




LOL, I agree and teach my kids the same. The problem is, at work, I wear black sweaters (dress code). If it isn't a totally dry sneeze...lets just say...it isn't pretty. LOL

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When dd started PS K we were required to bring two bottles of sanitizer since the children would not have time to use the restroom for handwashing prior to lunch. Yuck. At my urging, dd was allowed to use the restroom and wash her hands because she is allergic to the stuff. I'm another firm believer of building natural immunities, even though we have a strong family history of multiple autoimmune diseases.

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At the log in book in her daycare there is a huge bottle with a note to not let kids lick it off their hands?


Good luck to them with that!


It seems like I see it used a lot before people eat, but I am less worried about a few germs than the chemicals going in our mouths/skin.


I agree. I especially avoid products containing triclosan which is put in oodles of things nowadays.


Am I the odd one who doesn't want my kid using sanitizer 5 times a day? Are there any studies to say it is really very safe and I worry for nothing?


Nope. I specifically mention to all of my son's teachers that I don't want my son using it. If others want to use it, that's their choice, but I don't want it foist on my child.

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We don't use it. We used to in China when there was no way of washing hands after using the toilet. Otherwise, I'm a strong believer in building immune systems with a little dirt and a few germs.




When you say that, do you mean that you don't wash your hands? (I'm thinking not, but I wonder why people keep saying that.)


The two are about equivalent in getting rid of germs, though handwashing is superior for getting rid of dirt.

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