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OK I have to ask...

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Who the bloody h-e-double hockey sticks gets out at 1:30 a.m. and drives on flooded streets in the rain???!!


I'm...utterly bedraggled and I'm already wearing my spare uniform. My response times are delayed because half the roads are flooded and I can't see. Not even bothering with lights & sirens.


<sigh> This is the first I've been in station for awhile. 8:00 a.m. can't come soon enough.



Oh, in case you haven't figured it out...I'm a paramedic and well, it's been pouring rain all.day.

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Probably the same idiots who jog pre-dawn in the fog on a major road (speed limit 50 mph) wearing dark clothes and no reflective gear except the teeny little strip on their sneakers. :glare: I just pray that they never wind up in the back of your ambulance because motorists can't see them until 10 feet away...

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Probably the same idiots who jog pre-dawn in the fog on a major road (speed limit 50 mph) wearing dark clothes and no reflective gear except the teeny little strip on their sneakers. :glare: I just pray that they never wind up in the back of your ambulance because motorists can't see them until 10 feet away...


I hear you. Also the same ones who ride their bikes completely disregarding all rules of the road (which they are expected to follow) only to grouse about motorists not yielding them the right of way.:glare:



Are you in TX? My hubby will be at 3 am because that is when he gets off work. I hope you stay safe tonight


Yep. I do hope your dh gets home safely tonight. I know there are legitimate reasons. Making a beer run is probably not one, though. :001_huh: [Yes, this was an actual reason given to me tonight for being out in this weather.]

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DD is a paramedic student and was asking that exact same thing after her shift last night! Though the streets aren't flooding, it was absolutely pouring rain, and they were on their way to a serious call....couldn't believe the traffic at 2:00 a.m. and no one getting out of their way. So much traffic that they didn't want to turn on the sirens, have somebody do something stupid, and then have the accident on top of it....GRRRR....


I am afraid to say that when fully licensed and it's her turn to drive, she will probably experience some mental road rage. Why can't people exercise even a modicum of sense????



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My least favorite culprit are the news hounds/media/reporters who don't have the good sense God gave a goose!


They are out there driving around, just hoping to find someone in the throes of heartbreak and drama so they will have a good story to shoot. And they don't give a fig whether their risking their life and limb will later necessitate some decent rescue person having to risk theirs to save them.


I have been certified as a NOAA SkyWarn severe weather spotter and have reported a few tornados in my day, but I have never seen anyone disregard laws and common sense like the media. When I see yet another storm gear-wearing, microphone shielding, moron shouting at the top of his lungs to an obviously unsteady camera crew holding on for dear life in a gale force wind, I just chalk it up to another idiot too dense to know enough to get in out of the rain. And I turn the channel.

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