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Emergency dog help needed.

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My Golden has an area on his left should blade that he has beeb scratching vigorously during the last 24 hours. There is an area about 4" around that has that is raw, bleeding and he has scratched all the hair away. He doesn't have fleas, mites or tics. He won't hold let me look at it very well but it looks like there may be a raised red area. It wasn't like this last night because I was petting him alot aroung his head and ears. So whatever happened, happened since then.


Anyhow, what could it be and what can I do about it? How do I prevent him from scratching it anymore? We do have an emergency vet which we are going to take him to in just a bit and I can give him benedryl now but I would like to get some idea what we are dealing with, what whill be required and how much it will cost. Any help? Hornblower please be out there.

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sounds like a hot spot. IF that is what this is then the following course should help.


Shave hair on the raised area so that it will heal without the moist hair staying there. You need it shaved as low as your clipper blade will let it get.


E-collar at all times and if he is still able to scratch put a t-shirt on him.


Then vet visit for oral antibiotics and/or allergy meds. You can probably wait until Tuesday for the vet visit though, you do not need to be seen by the er vet for a hot spot.


However, it could also be something like a spider bite/insect bite allergic reaction so if you see any swelling spots developing anywhere else or she swells around the face then def. call the er vet.

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sounds like a hot spot. IF that is what this is then the following course should help.


Shave hair on the raised area so that it will heal without the moist hair staying there. You need it shaved as low as your clipper blade will let it get.


E-collar at all times and if he is still able to scratch put a t-shirt on him.


Then vet visit for oral antibiotics and/or allergy meds. You can probably wait until Tuesday for the vet visit though, you do not need to be seen by the er vet for a hot spot.


However, it could also be something like a spider bite/insect bite allergic reaction so if you see any swelling spots developing anywhere else or she swells around the face then def. call the er vet.


Ok, I would like to try and hold out on taking him to the vet until Tuesday if possible because the fee for the emergency vet is $100 just to walk in the door. I looked up the Benedryl dosage for him on-line and gave him that. It seems to have helped some but still hasn't relaxed him enough so that he will let me touch the area much less shave it and I have still had to stop him from scratching a few times. I don't know what I am going to do tonight when I am sleeping though as I am afraid he will scratch if I am not right there to stop him. I don't think an e-collar will help because the area looks like it would fall below the collar and he is using his back leg to scratch it. I think I am going to get an ace bandage to wrap around the foot he is using to scratch with so hopefully that will help. I do have some xanax and I have found a few articles that said I could give him that. Do you think it will sedate him enough overnight to prevent him from scratching? If it does then maybe I can try to shave it then. Is there any topical med I can put on it to help until I get him into the vet?

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Have you recently used a topical flea and tick remedy, like Frontline? Based on the location you describe, it makes me think about an allergic reaction to the medication. Just a thought.


In any case, here's our tried-and-true hot spot remedy:


Trim the hair around the area. If he won't let you near him with the clippers, try trimming the surrounding hair short with scissors. Just do the best you can. Wash with betadine, castile soap or a similar mild soap. Blow it dry with a blow dryer set to "cool." Make sure the surrounding furry area is dry as well.


Blot with witch hazel, blow on it to dry.


Douse liberally with Gold Bond Medicated powder.


Hopefully your poor guy will get some relief soon!



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It sounds like a hot spot. Our Golden is currently recovering from a hot spot that took over the entire side of his face (at least 6" tall and 4" wide). We had to take him to the vet because his turned into an infection. Poor thing.


One home remedy I found in my research that was highly recommended was spraying a solution of 1/1 Apple Cider Vinegar/Water on the area. If you can, shave or trim the area - unfortunately, we couldn't help our dog in that area because he was so nervous, we were afraid of poking his eye out with scissors.


I hope your doggy feels better soon! Hot spots can grow very quickly, so if it gets out of control, you may have to go get help for it.

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Goldens are notorious for hot spots. You've gotten good advice. Maybe you can trim the area and keep it clean and get some antibiotic cream on Tuesday. I can't remember clearly but in the past I think there is an injection that will help.


Vettechmom, I love the idea of putting a t-shirt on the dog. I'll have to keep that in mind next time we need an e-collar.

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It sounds like a hot spot but I would go to the vet just to be sure. My malamute has had a couple and they are just awful. In our case we thought the area was only an inch or so wide but after the vet shaved her it revealed a HUGE painful bloody area. We had to give her antibiotics for a week or so and she was given one dose of something (can't remember) that helped her the first day with the itch and also calmed her down for the night. We were also given a topical spray to use once or twice a day. The first time she had a hot spot we were given a topical cream (from a different vet) and we definitely preferred the spray. Hope your doggie feels better soon!

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To me, it sounds more like a spider bite or something like that. I'd try a warm compress followed by an antibiotic ointment. Any single-antibiotic ointment you can get at the grocery or drug store is fine...for some reason I've been told Neosporin (which contains 3 topical antibiotics) is not a good choice for dogs.

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To me, it sounds more like a spider bite or something like that. I'd try a warm compress followed by an antibiotic ointment. Any single-antibiotic ointment you can get at the grocery or drug store is fine...for some reason I've been told Neosporin (which contains 3 topical antibiotics) is not a good choice for dogs.


:iagree: The other thing you can do to stop him from making it worse is to put a sock on it and then duck tape around the sock. We did this several times on my husky.

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Have you recently used a topical flea and tick remedy, like Frontline? Based on the location you describe, it makes me think about an allergic reaction to the medication. Just a thought.





Nope no treatments recently. He is groomed regularly but it has been about a month so he hasn't had any shampoo or soap either. His diet hasn't changed and we haven't treated the yard with anything recently either. I did ace bandage the foot and while he is not happy about it, it isn't chewing it off either. I will try to clean, trim and treat as everyone has mentioned and I think I will put a t-shirt on him overnight as well.

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:iagree: The other thing you can do to stop him from making it worse is to put a sock on it and then duck tape around the sock. We did this several times on my husky.


I thought about that but I didn't want to tape over his fur. I did put an ace bandage on the foot and I will try the t-shirt thing as well.

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Oh this is so frustrating. I have kept him on Benedryl all day and I have been watching him like a hawk to make sure he didn't scratch it anymore. It looked like it was drying up some and then I diverted my attention for just a few minutes and he sratched it all up again.


He won't go to the bathroom with his foot bandaged up so I have to take the bandage off everytime he goes outside. He hasn't had a BM all day which is unusual. I don't know if I should just bandage him up for the night or if I should wait and take him out again later.


And have you ever tried putting socks and a t-shirt on a dog that is in pain? Not fun. I really want to try some Xanax and see if that knocks him out enough for me to shave the area and clean it up some but I was hoping to get some feedback about that on here before I tried it.


He is a very easy going dog but he jumps anytime I touch anywhere near the sore area. I am so tired but I don't want to go to bed until I know he will be ok for the night.

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Oh this is so frustrating. I have kept him on Benedryl all day and I have been watching him like a hawk to make sure he didn't scratch it anymore. It looked like it was drying up some and then I diverted my attention for just a few minutes and he sratched it all up again.


He won't go to the bathroom with his foot bandaged up so I have to take the bandage off everytime he goes outside. He hasn't had a BM all day which is unusual. I don't know if I should just bandage him up for the night or if I should wait and take him out again later.


And have you ever tried putting socks and a t-shirt on a dog that is in pain? Not fun. I really want to try some Xanax and see if that knocks him out enough for me to shave the area and clean it up some but I was hoping to get some feedback about that on here before I tried it.


He is a very easy going dog but he jumps anytime I touch anywhere near the sore area. I am so tired but I don't want to go to bed until I know he will be ok for the night.


If you feel it is that bad that you need to medicate with something else then you need to take him into the vet. Do not give the xanax without first talking with your vet, you do not want him to have an adverse reaction and find out that you have trouble finding a vet available to help you and some states are very strict about giving humans and people prescription meds that are not scripted to them. The xanax would normally not knock him out enough for you to do those things anyway. Not in the way you are hoping for.

Do you have anyone to hold him for you?

If so then have one person hold him, leash him to something as well if you have to. Tshirt on with the front legs through the arm holes, ecollar will help to destract him and should be used as well. If he is holding his stool for more than 48 hours then you have some cause for concern but if he is healthy he will be fine from it.

Also, if he is eating normally then when he has to go he will.

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If you feel it is that bad that you need to medicate with something else then you need to take him into the vet. Do not give the xanax without first talking with your vet, you do not want him to have an adverse reaction and find out that you have trouble finding a vet available to help you and some states are very strict about giving humans and people prescription meds that are not scripted to them. The xanax would normally not knock him out enough for you to do those things anyway. Not in the way you are hoping for.

Do you have anyone to hold him for you?

If so then have one person hold him, leash him to something as well if you have to. Tshirt on with the front legs through the arm holes, ecollar will help to destract him and should be used as well. If he is holding his stool for more than 48 hours then you have some cause for concern but if he is healthy he will be fine from it.

Also, if he is eating normally then when he has to go he will.


The Xanax is my prescription so I think legally I would be alright there but I certainly don't want to give him anything that will cause him anymore problems.


He is eating fine and he finally had a BM earlier today. He does seem to be drinking and urinating a little less than normal but he does act sick.


We did try to tag team him with my hubby holding him and me trying to at least trim the hair but he was wimpering so bad that I had to stop. If I even touch the hair anywhere within a one inch perimeter of the open sore he yelps.


I went to Petsmart and got some hot spot treatment that has lidocaine in it and sprayed the area liberally. I have his back paw wrapped and a t-shirt on him. I am still giving Benedryl and watching him closely so I think I will just continue doing this until the morning.


The vet is about two blocks from my house so I can take him in as soon as I get the kids on the bus in the morning. Hopefully once the vet fixes him up it will be easier to care for the wound. Boy, I hope that this is not something I have to deal with on a regular basis. I hate to see him like this. Thanks for all the help though.

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