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One thing I'm going to miss

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The kids just watched all their little neighborhood friends get on the bus for school. Yesterday, ds1 was a little upset that he wouldn't be seeing his old friends every day, so I was busy telling him how much fun we were going to have, and that we could still have playdates with his friends. This morning, both boys were in their jammies, leaning over the back of the couch to watch the bus. This is when I started getting a little sad, realizing that I'm going to miss hanging out with the neighbors and chatting every morning.

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The kids just watched all their little neighborhood friends get on the bus for school. Yesterday, ds1 was a little upset that he wouldn't be seeing his old friends every day, so I was busy telling him how much fun we were going to have, and that we could still have playdates with his friends. This morning, both boys were in their jammies, leaning over the back of the couch to watch the bus. This is when I started getting a little sad, realizing that I'm going to miss hanging out with the neighbors and chatting every morning.


You could still go out there and chat, right?



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It's so weird because public school education is the only system I know so I get kind of wistful this time of year. It just reminds me of my childhood which I see through rose-colored glasses now. Nostalgia. My kids don't realize that they might be missing anything because we have a large group of homeschooling families around us.


I wouldn't change anything - I just am acknowledging the feelings.

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It's so weird because public school education is the only system I know so I get kind of wistful this time of year.
I hated, hated, hated my public school experience and wouldn't relive it for a million dollars.

Our public schools started back on Monday. That afternoon, we were at music lessons and everyone was talking about their first day back, new teachers, etc. And I found myself a bit wistful... It was strange, since I hated my school years so much. But it just hit me that what we are doing is so... different.

Thankfully, that night, my DS gave me a big hug and told me "Thank you for homeschooling me."

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The start of each school year is always the most difficult, especially if you are new to homeschooling. I just opened my FB account to see pictures of all my friends' children on their doorsteps for their first day of school picture. Prior to this year, this would have made me feel worried as to if I was making the right decision and wistful as well. This year, there was a small pang of it a few days ago when a group of moms and I were together. I'm the only one who homeschools so I just sat there listening while they lamented getting up early, all the supplies they had to buy, new teachers, etc. As much as they were griping, they still had this "bond" that I do not share. I was wistful then, but it didn't last like it used to; rather, I began to think of all we will do because other kids are in school.


If this is your first year, try to let those feelings go... it's normal to feel unsettled since you are taking such a step out of the norm; however, keep reminding yourself as to WHY you chose this route. Those reasons will always trump the wistfulness. :grouphug:

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If this is your first year, try to let those feelings go... it's normal to feel unsettled since you are taking such a step out of the norm; however, keep reminding yourself as to WHY you chose this route. Those reasons will always trump the wistfulness. :grouphug:



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My kids cannot wait for the other kids to go back to school! They love them...but, there is a homeschooling family right next door. Once the school kids go back to school they get each other only to themselves for most of the day....and the rest of the neighbourhood is finally quiet!!! Once 3pm hits though all the kids come home from school and straight over to my yard....

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Guest Cindie2dds
The start of each school year is always the most difficult, especially if you are new to homeschooling. I just opened my FB account to see pictures of all my friends' children on their doorsteps for their first day of school picture.


Yep, this. It's a weird feeling. A friend of mine has a daughter just entering Kindergarten at our local, brand new Primary School. She posted a picture of her first day on FB, everyone told her how sweet it was, how exciting it was, and I got teary-eyed. I don't know why. I would never send either child there, but I just did. I am very comfortable with my decision, I just feel a little left out and hope my kids are glad with our choice in the future. :grouphug:

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I think it would be fun to take a picture of kids in jammies the first day of school as the bus drives by. :lol: My neighbor always has a back to school party for the homeschoolers on the first day of public school. Every family brings an activity, we bring lunch and have fun!

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I always feel it this time of year, nostalgic for that first day of school new feeling, new shoes and a new backpack. But those are my feelings from my childhood (my first day of K was 32 years ago). Things have changed so much since then. I always have to remind myself why we are home and then I feel better. I will also feel better when we take our fall break while everyone else is going off to school, when we take extra time at Christmas and when we get to travel with dh. I also still believe that our academic standards are much higher than the local public schools, and our behavior standards are higher, too. When we start after school activities along with everyone else in a few weeks I'll get to hear all about it so I won't feel too left out, neither will my kids.

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We used to take a walk about the time that the bus would come. We would always stop and chat and the kids would run around with the neighborhood kids. Then we would wave goodbye to everyone as they got on the bus and we'd continue on our walk:) We stopped doing it last year and the neighbors asked where we'd been;) That's the price of rearranging our early morning schedule. . .

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The start of each school year is always the most difficult, especially if you are new to homeschooling.



This is the time of year that I really miss sending them to school. That whole backpack/lunchbox/little plaid uniform thing is so tempting....I think we're all a little bit "programmed" to think that's what we're supposed to do, no matter how committed to homeschooling we are.


Hang in there...there are so many moments in homeschooling when you think, "Thank God they're home...we would never get to do this if they were in school." And, maybe you just need to force those kind of moments during this part of the year. We all went out to breakfast at IHOP on our first day this year, and I told the kids (more than once, I think!) "See, we'd never get to do this if you guys were in school! Isn't it good that we homeschool?" I think I said it more for my benefit than theirs--but, it worked! Try to do some things that make you grateful to homeschool, and it will help ease those bouts of nostalgia.

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