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We had one of those days....

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I did school from the couch today. I have a terrible kidney infection that literally hit me like a ton of bricks at 2:00 Monday am. My sweet husband went out to Walmart at 2:30am to get me some generic Pyridium for the bladder spasms and pain, and then I went to the doctor around 10. TMI alert: She told me she had never seen so much blood in someone's urine. It almost looked like I was having my period (even had clots!! OUCH!!). GROSS!! I'm on antibiotics, but I feel like I have the flu; body aches, fever, malaise, the whole shebang. We tried to do some school yesterday, but it didn't go well because I felt so bad, and Emma was frustrated with her reading. I still feel horrible, so I have spent the day on the couch, while the girls would come in the living room to get help and then sit by me and do their work, or go back to the table. Now I have declared school is over, and I am going to take a nap while the kids veg out in front of a movie. UGH!


This is the 3rd UTI I have had within 5-6 weeks. And this one went straight to my kidneys. My doc wants me to see a urologist because she thinks there might be something else going on. I had frequent UTIs as a child and teenager, but I haven't had many as an adult. And now, all of a sudden, I am having them again. I am very careful to do everything I can to prevent them, but something's not right. They are MISERABLE!!!

Edited by Nakia
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I did school from the couch today. I have a terrible kidney infection that literally hit me like a ton of bricks at 2:00 Monday am. My sweet husband went out to Walmart at 2:30am to get me some generic Pyridium for the bladder spasms and pain, and then I went to the doctor around 10. TMI alert: She told me she had never seen so much blood in someone's urine. It almost looked like I was having my period (even had clots!! OUCH!!). GROSS!! I'm on antibiotics, but I feel like I have the flu; body aches, fever, malaise, the whole shebang. We tried to do some school yesterday, but it didn't go well because I felt so bad, and Emma was frustrated with her reading. I still fell horrible, so I have spent the day on the couch, while the girls would come in the living room to get help and then sit by me and do their work, or go back to the table. Now I have declared school is over, and I am going to take a nap while the kids veg out in front of a movie. UGH!


This is the 3rd UTI I have had within 5-6 weeks. And this one went straight to my kidneys. My doc wants me to see a urologist because she thinks there might be something else going on. I had frequent UTIs as a child and teenager, but I haven't had many as an adult. And now, all of a sudden, I am having them again. I am very careful to do everything I can to prevent them, but something's not right. They are MISERABLE!!!


:grouphug::grouphug: That sounds just awful! I'm so sorry, and I pray you feel better soon and that your kids are quiet and peaceful and you're able to rest.

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Kidney infections are the worst! I've never had one, but my mom--who is tough as nails--said she would prefer another natural childbirth to having a kidney infection. On behalf of the hive, I give you permission to skip school, turn on cartoons, and rest yourself. :grouphug:

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You even did school today! Wow, I'm impressed. I would have sent the kids off with instructions to be quiet. In fact, that is what I did earlier this summer, and all I had was a run of the mill UTI. (For which I took sleeping pills in addition to pain pills, just so I wouldn't suffer so much.)


I did have a kidney infection just after my second kid was born. I picked it up in the hospital and they had to try several antibiotics before finding one that worked. It was awful.

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Try Clear Tract. It's the only d-mannose I have ever used and I swear by it.


Much in the same way cranberry works, ClearTract interferes with the ability for the bacteria to cling this is sometimes called the "anti-adherence effect" ClearTract takes this effect to a whole new level and accomplishes more than cranberry has ever been able to achieve. 10-50X stronger than Cranberry ! No yeast infection rebound Safe For Long Term Use No Drugs All Natural No Side Effects ClearTract contains D-Mannose can be faster and more effective, especially in dealing with chronic problems, and it doesn't have the side-effects or other problems associated with antibiotics.



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You even did school today! Wow, I'm impressed. I would have sent the kids off with instructions to be quiet. In fact, that is what I did earlier this summer, and all I had was a run of the mill UTI. (For which I took sleeping pills in addition to pain pills, just so I wouldn't suffer so much.)


I did have a kidney infection just after my second kid was born. I picked it up in the hospital and they had to try several antibiotics before finding one that worked. It was awful.


That's what I'm afraid of. The doc is going to call me tomorrow to let me know what the culture says. I worry that the other two antibiotics just weren't strong enough to really KILL the bacteria, ya know? Maybe they just suppressed it enough to make me feel better, and then, BAM!, it hit me like this. One of the best drugs for UTIs is Cipro, which I am severely allergic to. :(


Try Clear Tract. It's the only d-mannose I have ever used and I swear by it.


Much in the same way cranberry works, ClearTract interferes with the ability for the bacteria to cling this is sometimes called the "anti-adherence effect" ClearTract takes this effect to a whole new level and accomplishes more than cranberry has ever been able to achieve. 10-50X stronger than Cranberry ! No yeast infection rebound Safe For Long Term Use No Drugs All Natural No Side Effects ClearTract contains D-Mannose can be faster and more effective, especially in dealing with chronic problems, and it doesn't have the side-effects or other problems associated with antibiotics.




Do you mean instead of the antibiotics? Thank you, but right now, I am absolutely not going to stop the antibiotics. I have seen the dangers of untreated pyelonephritis (kidney infection), including permanent kidney damage and sepsis, and I have no desire to risk that. I am really sick, and I know I need the antibiotics. UTIs are actually one of the only things I will go to the doctor for because I know what they can lead to.


Now if you are talking about in the future to prevent UTIs, I would consider it.

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