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For those of you who have to submit plans to your school district...


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I put the starting point/books and so on, and then go from there. I woefully underestimated this year-DD went through most of what I'd planned (and submitted) for 1st grade very rapidly, so we're now using higher levels of basically everything I listed EXCEPT for the Sonlight Core.


Interestingly, the one thing that the curriculum adviser questioned me on was that Sonlight Core.

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Even though I don't have to report yet, I'm pretty sure I don't have to include grade levels of the materials we are using. For example, I can list Math as "Singapore Math" without any grade level numbers after it. So if you go from 1a all the way to 6b in one year (:tongue_smilie:!), you won't have to worry that you went beyond the materials you listed.

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In my state, we send in a "letter of intent" at the beginning of the year. I did send in what I am expecting to use; however, I will be very surprised if we stick with our actual plan. It's what I have planned, so that's what I wrote. I doubt they care about changes, but if they asked, I would simply explain.

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How do you do it when your child's pace isn't really predictable? Do you just give the school district something to make them happy, and then change the plan as the year goes on?


Do you find that it even matters what you tell the district you will be studying? :glare:


I submit my plan with the best of intentions, but I also give myself "wiggle room" by using the phrase "including but not limited to..." when listing the things I plan to cover and the materials I plan to use.


And no, I don't find that it matters what I tell the district. ;)

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In my state, we send in a "letter of intent" at the beginning of the year. I did send in what I am expecting to use; however, I will be very surprised if we stick with our actual plan. It's what I have planned, so that's what I wrote. I doubt they care about changes, but if they asked, I would simply explain.


Exactly -- it's a *plan,* after all. ;)

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How do you do it when your child's pace isn't really predictable? Do you just give the school district something to make them happy, and then change the plan as the year goes on?



I pretty much do just that. I just figure out our "starting point" and estimate a typical years' worth of material for a typical kid. So, for 1st grade math, dd was on 2A in Singapore that summer, so I told them 2 A & 2B. . .


this year, for 2nd, she was finishing 3B when I wrote it in July, so I told them 4A & 4B. Even though I know she'll likely hit 5A or further, I don't bother to mention that. ;)


I figure I just need to give them a "year's worth" of material, and obviously I adjust as I go along. We don't have any accountability to them other than giving them the plan at the beginning of the year and standardized testing at year's end. . . So, they have no way of knowing, ever, if I do anything on the plan or not.

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I am in Virginia and give a very general, non specific summary. They haven't had any problems with it the three years I have done it. I do something like We believe in a learning lifestyle and incorporate textbooks, books, DVDs, online classes and community classes. This year, child x will be studying Alg 2, Physics, World History, 20th Century lit, and SPanish.


I do give a book or two sometimes. IT doesn't seem to matter to them.

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