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Despite my best efforts, it happened...I turned 40!!!

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Yesterday was the big 4-0. Honestly, it doesn't feel any different than 39. :tongue_smilie:


I had a great day (even though I was not only working but it was the busiest day of the school year since we had open house in the evening!)


First thing, right after the bell rang, my 1st grade teacher called me to say she had a crisis in her room and she needed me to come over right away. So I hurry over and there and, standing in the elementary courtyard, are 100 elementary students and they all started singing happy birthday to me! Then they gave me flowers and birthday cards they made, I cried. It was a great morning!


There were flowers on my desk and presents in my mailbox. Then that evening at open house there were 800 people there and a public announcement about my 40th birthday so I got about 800 happy birthday's!


And tonight about 20 of my girlfriends are taking me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant (we are doing a little black dress evening!). Tomorrow my dh and kids are taking me out for sushi.


But here is the best part...dh got me an iPhone and..... A TRIP TO BALI !!!! We are going during our first school break in October. I am SO excited!!!!


So I gotta say that so far...40 ROCKS!!!!!

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AWESOME!!!!!! Sounds like a happy day and like it'll be a happy year!!! I'm jealous of the iPhone and the trip to Bali! Will your entire family be going?


Hey - I read some of your blog the other day and saw that you are helping out people from Burma/Myanmar. I have a friend who was born there and is currently living here in the US. Her sister is still there. She used to work with the refugees on the border and was actually on the wanted list there for a while (she was working with the former government). She's since had a family and settled into an easier life! Anyway, would you like me to try to get you in touch with her? Not sure how the two of you can work together, but maybe?!

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AWESOME!!!!!! Sounds like a happy day and like it'll be a happy year!!! I'm jealous of the iPhone and the trip to Bali! Will your entire family be going?


Hey - I read some of your blog the other day and saw that you are helping out people from Burma/Myanmar. I have a friend who was born there and is currently living here in the US. Her sister is still there. She used to work with the refugees on the border and was actually on the wanted list there for a while (she was working with the former government). She's since had a family and settled into an easier life! Anyway, would you like me to try to get you in touch with her? Not sure how the two of you can work together, but maybe?!


I would love too! How awesome!

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