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How do you keep hs kids living in apt. happy/stimulated?

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My boys are 7 yrs. We were in a house for the first 6 yrs. of their lives. Now we're in an apartment for what will, total, be 16 months. We're on month 7.


We're in a 2-bedroom with a nice outdoor area. So, if I'm watching them from the patio, they can run around on grass, play in sand. The apt. also has a pool.


I'm going to start an arts and crafts closet so when I hear, "I'm bored" I can tell them to get something out of the closet and occupy themselves for 30 mins.


Once our co ops get up and running in Sept. I doubt I'll be feeling the cabin fever w/ the boys, but we have a solid 3 weeks before the co ops, sports etc. start up.


I appreciate the idea that "it's good for kids to be bored." I'm not really looking for that, more actual ideas to not make them absolutely hate apartment living!! :D





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My boys are 7 yrs. We were in a house for the first 6 yrs. of their lives. Now we're in an apartment for what will, total, be 16 months. We're on month 7.


We're in a 2-bedroom with a nice outdoor area. So, if I'm watching them from the patio, they can run around on grass, play in sand. The apt. also has a pool.


I'm going to start an arts and crafts closet so when I hear, "I'm bored" I can tell them to get something out of the closet and occupy themselves for 30 mins.


Once our co ops get up and running in Sept. I doubt I'll be feeling the cabin fever w/ the boys, but we have a solid 3 weeks before the co ops, sports etc. start up.


I appreciate the idea that "it's good for kids to be bored." I'm not really looking for that, more actual ideas to not make them absolutely hate apartment living!! :D






Apartment living is like house living ... how much the kids like it depends a lot on the neighborhood. My kids love our current apartment because there are a ton of kids around for them to play with as well as the complex pool, etc.


We have no plans to buy another house as my husband needs to be able to move for his job, but our kids were not actually happier when we lived in a large four bedroom house with fewer kids nearby to play with.


What makes you worry that they will be more bored or hate apartment living versus living in a house?

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Hi. We have 4 kids (there's 6 of us) living in a place about 1000 square feet. It is T I N Y. It feels like a hotel room with this number of people. I completely understand what you're saying. Oh, and it's over 100 degrees here every day, so outdoor play is extremely limited right now. We feel pretty trapped/bored in here because of the heat. Even I'm really bored. :bored:


I wish I had some overly exciting suggestions. We just do lots and lots of schoolwork. :glare: I gave the 8 yro a watercolor paint set and she's been painting a lot in her room. The 7 yro has been playing a lot of Star Wars Legos this summer - and Bakugan battles with the 5 yro. We're going to make some comic books next week and I want the kids to put on a play.


You just gotta get out a lot. We've been going swimming, going to the water spouts, my kids are taking some classes this semester, etc. I'm taking them to San Antonio next week to see The Alamo. :D


Wish I could be more help... :lurk5:

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I'm not sure why living in an apartment would be any different from living in a house. There are luxurious apartments and small, crappy houses. Unless your kids had planned to knock a wall down in their bedroom this year or something, I'm not sure what the difference would be.


We enjoy living in an apartment. I don't have to spend my days mowing the lawn or doing repairs, and if we decide we want to move, we can just give a month's notice and move. It's much cheaper, so we have more money to do fun things, and as long as we do any necessary repairs (to nailholes and the like) before we move out, our landlord doesn't really care how we decorate.

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Not sure I understand what apartment vs house has to do with the kids being bored. (I lived in apartments for a large part of my life, also with kids)

What is different NOW for them as opposed to before that makes them suddenly more bored?


During summer, we did one daily outing - museum, park, hike, anything. Then there is schoolwork, reading, writing stories, playing, books on tape/CD, helping to cook, meeting friends (do they have any or have you moved away from everybody?)

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We've always been in small apartments w/no outdoor space. I second the previous poster who said that you have to get outside. We do school very early and then go out (generally to the park or somewhere else they can run around) every morning, and usually again in the late afternoon as well. The only thing that keeps us in is pouring rain.


Also agreeing with the poster who said that one of the best things about apartment life is having friends in the building. I worry that my kids are going to feel so lonely when we eventually move to a house!

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My boys are 7 yrs. We were in a house for the first 6 yrs. of their lives. Now we're in an apartment for what will, total, be 16 months. We're on month 7.


We're in a 2-bedroom with a nice outdoor area. So, if I'm watching them from the patio, they can run around on grass, play in sand. The apt. also has a pool.


I'm going to start an arts and crafts closet so when I hear, "I'm bored" I can tell them to get something out of the closet and occupy themselves for 30 mins.


Once our co ops get up and running in Sept. I doubt I'll be feeling the cabin fever w/ the boys, but we have a solid 3 weeks before the co ops, sports etc. start up.


I appreciate the idea that "it's good for kids to be bored." I'm not really looking for that, more actual ideas to not make them absolutely hate apartment living!! :D






We live in a 6th floor apartment, where our previous several homes were in townhouses or homes with large yards. There can be a significant difference. Only now that I have a 12 yo do I feel comfortable just letting them go outside to play without my being right outside with them (we live on a military base, where we have the blessing of a safe environment and the obligation to follow base rules on unsupervised play).


I think that I would put an extra effort into nature study. Is there an overgrown, natural area, a water feature or anything else that you could explore? Something that would get you regularly outside, even when it is rainy or chilly. It is very easy to hunker down in the apartment and not go out unless we have to.


I'm also more uncomfortable with rowdy loud play that I would be in a house. I don't want to be disturbing the neighbors next to us or downstairs. Maybe you can make sure that you get to know your neighbors so that you can predict times of the day when you will know that you're not disturbing them because they will be away from home. Those could be times for louder play with fewer shushing.


Are there any other homeschoolers? We have been blessed with several boys nearby that are friends with my sons. And at least one other homeschool family in the building. That can be pretty nice.


Does your building/complex have a room that is available for use by residents? Maybe you could have some of your studies there or host a homeschool science fair or art show with other homeschoolers you know (even if they aren't in your building).


If your building/complex has a bulletin board, maybe it would be worth posting about a "not back to school" get together on the day that schooled kids would be heading back.

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I think that our lives have improved since we moved into an apartment. In the house we lived in, the neighborhood had a lot of kids but only one around my dd5 age (the rest were older boys). The one my daughters age was allowed to wander the neighborhood completely without any adult supervision and this was not okay with me. Also there was nothing in close proximity, we had one car that my husband used for work during the day. Anytime we wanted to go anywhere half the day disappeared through travel time. Since we have moved to an apartment in a central location we now have access to all kinds of things. The library and grocery store are 1 block away, restaurants, stores, and a really nice park by the water. Living in a house doesn't equal happiness, and living in an apartment doesn't equal boredom. I am much more comfortable being a downtown living, apartment renter.

Edited by sarawatsonim
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Thanks everyone -- I appreciate everyone's response.


The real difference in being in an apt. vs. a house is the square footage.


There's just less room to spread out projects, go to separate rooms when the kids are fighting etc. Plus they don't have a readily accessible backyard to run into at a moment's notice.


But I agree: as an adult, apt. living is fun in many ways.


Thanks again,



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Thanks everyone -- I appreciate everyone's response.


The real difference in being in an apt. vs. a house is the square footage.


There's just less room to spread out projects, go to separate rooms when the kids are fighting etc. Plus they don't have a readily accessible backyard to run into at a moment's notice.


But I agree: as an adult, apt. living is fun in many ways.


Thanks again,




Alley -- I hear you -- when we were living in the hotel, the kids and I spent alot of time at the library. In fact, with the heat this summer, we are all kind of tired of the pool and we are finding that the library is becoming our favorite place. Hang in there -- your co-ops will start soon (ours do as well) and hopefully we will get some relief from these temps.:)

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Guest janainaz

I lived in an apartment until my ds was 7. It's really no different. Take them to the park once a day when it's nice out. Other than that, let them be. Play with them and let them play together. The only limitations are in your mind - bloom where you are planted. :001_smile:

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