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Uterine ablation question...

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I had my tubes tied. Before, I had normal periods. After my last child, (had tubes tied right after that c-section) my periods seemed to never stop. I had the ablation and I haven't had a period since! They told me that after the ablation, my periods would be light and possibly non existent. I was one of the lucky ones! It's been great!

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I did not. I'm not sure why I didn't. Maybe because it was a bigger procedure and I was in school at the time. The thing that brought the ablation on was that I had a really bad bleeding episode while I was working in the laboratory. I got my work done, and then drove to pick my ds from school, feeling like I was going to pass out from loss of blood the whole way. It's strange and disturbing to feel like you're going to faint while you're sitting and I was afraid I wasn't going to make it. I *never* ever wanted to feel that way again, so I had the ablation done.

Some months I have no periods, some I have very light periods and I've had one or two that were more normal without being excessive. I'm reasonably happy with the results. But I still get PMS every month at the appropriate time, which in my case involves anxiety and insomnia.

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Those of you that have had an ablation, did you have to have your tubes tied first?


I had a tubal almost 12 years ago, and an ablation a little over a year ago. My ablation didn't take as well as I had hoped. My uterus was too big for the device they used.


However, my periods are about 1/2 as long as they used to be- which should get me through to menopause without getting too anemic.

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We use condoms. My husband, off and on, considers the big V. But I figure, I'm 42, who knows when I will go into menopause. We've been using condoms our whole relationship (except for the part where we decided to make a baby), what's a few more years?


Also, I know that if the dh had his way, we would have had more children. We've been together for 23 years, married for 16. We still enjoy each others company tremendously, so I really don't see us divorcing. But if that strange thing were to happen, I'd want him to have the opportunity to have more children without a V reversal.

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