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MCT arrived today. I don't think I'm smart enough to use it.


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This was a last minute decision, and I haven't had much time to look at it.


But it appears that it's not divided up into lessons. I've never used anything like this. Do I have to plan ahead? That's not how I operate. I'm a do-the-next-page kind of homeschooler.


We have MCT level 4 and Essay Voyage. Do you just do some of each every day? How much? Or do you alternate books, or what?


Are there threads about scheduling MCT? I searched but didn't come up with anything.


I like books with one lesson per day. Maybe we'll do K12 after all.

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If by level four you mean Magic Lens I -


I broke it up according to the word lists. There are 30 word lists. The first ten lists cover the meat of the grammar book. We do approximately one segment per week. We end week 1 with the list 1 worksheet, week 2 with the list 2 worksheet, etc. Then we spend two weeks per Loop (there are two lists per loop.) It works out really well for us since we school three terms.


Term 1 - pgs. 1-105 (lists 1-10)

Term 2 - pgs. 106-162, Loops 1-5 (lists 11-20)

Term 3 - pgs. 163 - 220, Loops 6-10 (lists 21-30)

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I only have the Town level, but the lessons and instructions for the teacher are toward the back of the teacher's manuals in Paragraph Town and Grammar Town. HTH

I ordered the homeschool package. There is a student book and a "homeschool edition" book, but there isn't a Teacher's manual. Do I have the wrong thing? There aren't any instructions in my book. Just answers. :confused:

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Don't sell yourself short like that! Don't be discouraged either! I would say that I have read several threads with people asking a very similar question, not being able to figure out how to schedule or teach it. It seems to be a common issue, but not insurmountable. It also is not a universal issue, just a personal one.


I found this, slightly relevant thread, http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193228&highlight=MCT+schedule but that is as far as I want to delve into those threads. I cringe rereading posts I've written.


I think you would do better to look on the MCTLA yahoo group. Not only have some people posted their schedules and stuff in the files section, but someone just asked a similar question AND I think more people use that level on there than here, besides, MCT chimes in all the time. Or ask on the high school board.


Essay Voyage should be easily splittable. What I have done so far (just the planning stages so far) is to photocopy the directions for each chapter from the Teacher Section, and I place it in the front of the book for easy reference. MCT elementary books are mostly "put a bookmark in it" types of books, the secondary series may be quite different.


I need more coffee.

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I bought Essay Voyage mid-year.

I'm typically rather anal-retentive, but I found I had to let go of that a bit for EV. We put it on a MWF schedule and just worked through whatever he could cover in a reasonable amount of time (usually about 45min.), then pick up on the next scheduled day.


Because it's such a good, advanced program, I'm trying not to sweat any sort of completion date. There's no reason to consider him "behind" if the next level doesn't start "on time".

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I ordered the homeschool package. There is a student book and a "homeschool edition" book, but there isn't a Teacher's manual. Do I have the wrong thing? There aren't any instructions in my book. Just answers. :confused:


Seriously, go yo the yahoo group.... someone JUST WENT OVER THIS EXACT THING.


You have the right book.

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If by level four you mean Magic Lens I -


I broke it up according to the word lists. There are 30 word lists.


This confuses me ... Magic Lens is the Grammar book, WWW is the vocab book with the word lists.


You have the right materials. The Homeschool edition is the teacher's book.


May I suggest you take a deep breath and relax. It's not that difficult if you don't try to squish it into a typical schedule.


Yes, we have been discussing this same thing on the MCTLA Yahoo group.


I will try to find my responses and post those. You also might want to search my posts here. I have responded a few times about how I used Magic Lens, 4 prac & WWW. If I get time later I will try to post that again.


At the moment my Lyme disease is kicking my butt and it hurts my knees to sit at the computer.

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This confuses me ... Magic Lens is the Grammar book, WWW is the vocab book with the word lists.



Magic Lens I has 30 worksheets identified as 'lists.' They do match up with the WWW lists, but you do not have to use WWW with Magic Lens. List one focuses on identifying nouns, list two focuses on identifying pronouns, list twenty-four focuses on identifying phrases and sentence structures, etc.

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I've scheduled our MCT on homeschoolskedtrack.com so it's a bit difficult to copy & paste. But for Essay Voyage it looks like we're doing about 3 pages per day. I tried to schedule where there were chapter breaks or internal breaks within the lesson. For example: Monday pg. 11-13, Tuesday pg. 14-16; Wednesday pg. 18-21, etc. EV was easier to schedule, IMO, than the other aspects.


For Magic Lens 1: ML1 - pg 90-101 (Monday);Mystery spelling with mom, Mystery questions ML1 - 106-109 (Tuesday); ML1 - pg. 110-113; 4Practice pg. 12 (Wednesday), etc.


WWW 1:WWW - List #7 pg. 43-44 (Monday);WWW - List 7 pg. 46 (Tuesday);WWW - pg. 47 Analogies #7, Read notes pg. 48 (Wednesday)


I tried to coordinate WWW and Magic Lens 1 so the above shows the grammar and vocabulary for the day. Some of this will be done on their own and we will go over it after they finish. Other aspects we will do together. My schedule isn't very specific but I have some of it stored in my brain :D


This is my working plan and is subject to change. We start school tomorrow so I haven't actually used this schedule. It is a more rigorous schedule than we attempted last spring (when we started MCT) but that is intentional. I'm using it with older students who need to be challenged more than they were previously. MCT is a priority this year.

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