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Does fish oil supps cause fatigue?

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I can't find this as a side effect through much googling and binging.


DH is exhausted all. the. time. He is 46. Probably 25lbs overweight. Takes Paxil and has for many years. Also takes Lipitor (for bad cholesterol and very, very bad triglyceride numbers) but I am working to get him off that stuff. He sleeps 8 hours a night, sometimes lots more. His job is stressful, but not physically exerting. He's just so tired all the time. No energy. He could easily nap for 3 hours and still go to bed and sleep another 10. He does have undiagnosed blood sugar issues (meaning it's not been technically tested but we know he HAS to eat on time, gets shaky and sweats when he doesn't, almost passes out). He also snores quite a lot.


He thinks its the fish oil supplements I put him on. I think that's ridiculous. I am thinking sleep apnea? His dad had this but he was much more overweight. Maybe low testosterone? But I don't know if there would be other symptoms of that. I think in terms of hormones because I am female, maybe men don't have those issues.


I am not sure where to begin to figure out what is wrong with him. We can't really afford a lot of expensive blood work and testing, but will have to go that route if we can't figure it out on our own.


Any ideas?

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I've never heard of that.

If anything, I'd think omega supplements improve your brain function & quality of sleep.



I'd be thinking more in the way of:


-paxil dose not correct & this being a symptom of depression


-apnea & this being a symptom of lack of deep sleep & oxygenation at night


Also, given the cholesterol & some weight issues, I'd be concerned about his heart. Maybe his heart is not pumping well enough to push oxygenated blood around the body.


I really think he needs a work up, incl possibly a cardiac stress test. :grouphug:

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I've never heard that about fish oil supplements. I take them and haven't noticed a difference in that way. I would look at the side effects of his other medications first. Also, does he exercise? Exercise may actually help him with more energy. Or could he be depressed? Depression causes fatique. Hope you figure things out.

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:iagree: Sleep apnea, depression or something else but I don't think the fish oil supplements have a side effect of making you tired. I have taken them for about 5 years and they do thin the blood but don't make you tired. He probably needs to go for checkup and then sleep study if the doctor recommends. Exercise is always good but depression can cause you to sleep excessively. The fish oil does help the brain function as previously noted. Good luck getting a man to go to the doctor for a checkup. My man has to have broken limbs or worse to go. You might have to tell him to "man up" and get his health taken care of for you and his family. (in a nice way though)


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I can't find this as a side effect through much googling and binging.


DH is exhausted all. the. time. He is 46. Probably 25lbs overweight. Takes Paxil and has for many years. Also takes Lipitor (for bad cholesterol and very, very bad triglyceride numbers) but I am working to get him off that stuff. He sleeps 8 hours a night, sometimes lots more. His job is stressful, but not physically exerting. He's just so tired all the time. No energy. He could easily nap for 3 hours and still go to bed and sleep another 10. He does have undiagnosed blood sugar issues (meaning it's not been technically tested but we know he HAS to eat on time, gets shaky and sweats when he doesn't, almost passes out). He also snores quite a lot.


He thinks its the fish oil supplements I put him on. I think that's ridiculous. I am thinking sleep apnea? His dad had this but he was much more overweight. Maybe low testosterone? But I don't know if there would be other symptoms of that. I think in terms of hormones because I am female, maybe men don't have those issues.


I am not sure where to begin to figure out what is wrong with him. We can't really afford a lot of expensive blood work and testing, but will have to go that route if we can't figure it out on our own.


Any ideas?


I can't think of any connection to the fish oil capsules, but he could stop taking them and see, right? That kind of fatigue needs to be evaluated by a physician. He may need a change in antidepressants. It could be his heart; heart issues are more likely in patients with depression. I really don't think self-diagnosis is wise given all his issues.

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