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DD just got a palatal extender....

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The orthodontist recommended Tylenol (I ignored it).


They also gave dd a rubber thing to chew on that was supposed to make her teeth not hurt. She ignored that.


I made soft (pasta) dinners for a day or two, then expected her to eat normally.


A waterpik is the only way to get the thing even half way clean. They also gave us a couple of weird shaped brushes that helped. Dd was 7, so I cleaned her teeth after she did. They still needed it.


This went on for about 6 months.



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It's been 4 days and she's still having a hard time eating because it hurts to chew. Is this normal? (Could also be melodramatics!)


Also, it's difficult to brush the crazy contraption. Would a water pik work better?


I had one of those before I got my braces! I hated it too... food got stuck up top... my teeth hurt for almost a week... I slurred when I spoke... but after time, it all went away.... It stinks....


A water pick will be great! It helps keep the food from being stuck in the roof of the mouth... just rinsing wasn’t good enough for me. I would give her little Tylenol for the pain... but it does and will get better. *Ü* I feel her pain!

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I was shocked that my daughter didn't react more negatively to her palate extender, considering she is hypersensitive. She took it well. I gave her ibuprofen when she needed it.


As far as cleaning, I would use a toothpick nightly after she brushed to pick out any remnants she missed. (She would lie on her bed and tilt her head back so I could have a good look.) And then I would send her in to brush once more. I would have loved a water pik, but we didn't have one, and the toothpick seemed to work well enough.

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When we lived in the UK, my dd had a removable expander (like the old retainers) - it was FABULOUS. She turned it herself, she cleaned it, she could brush normally.


Fast forward to our return to the US, she's about 1/2 way through the expander. We interviewed 5 orth's and NONE would use a removable expander. As one orth said, "you can't trust a 10 yo to advance it". Sorry bud but she was doing just fine when she was 9, sigh.....


She had some pipe cleaner thingies that she used between the wires (wait, that may have been with the braces) - as for the pain, I do think it's absolutely normal as every person is different. Today, 6 years later, my dd still has a smoothie every day - even though she's been out of braces for over a year.


Besides smoothies, she liked grated cheese, yogurt, applesauce.... you get the idea. :)

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When my dd got her expander (at age 10) the orthodontist stressed that it is important that she chews HARD things -- that only eating soft food will extend the period of discomfort. She compared it to a teething baby, who seems to instinctively know that chewing on hard things helps the discomfort.


Also, the initial "cracking" of the palate (that's my word, not any sort of medical terminology) hurts. But, once the palate is broken free, the additional movement doesn't hurt.


Give her some carrots to chew on, and give her a couple more days. It will get better.

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