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Poll: Homeschooling Conferences

Would you be interested in a seminar, in Virginia, for high school students w/ SWB?  

  1. 1. Would you be interested in a seminar, in Virginia, for high school students w/ SWB?

    • Yes, this is exactly what I've been looking for!
    • Definitely interested, but not necessarily able.
    • I like the idea, but my kids are younger.
    • Not interested.
    • I have a better idea...

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Just because everyone seems to be posting a preference for online, I have to come back to this thread, and say I would MUCH prefer a on-site, in person, activity, even with the added cost and the travel time from Montreal!

It would have a lot more impact on my child than online.



I agree, I would prefer an on-site option.

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Thank you all very much for your feedback. It has been most helpful. Those of you who checked that you may not be able (for financial reasons or distance issues) and those with younger students have been taken into consideration. Here are some of our updated ideas:


I think we are going to look into possibly having both an online conference and a local conference for students in high school levels and those going into those levels. It is possible that we may have a more traditional lecture conference online and a student/parent workshop set up for the other. Please remember that nothing is guaranteed at this point. We are just beginning to look into options.


I will leave this thread up for a while so you may continue to leave more feedback. We appreciate your

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This sounds wonderful!


I'm glad that you're considering both an in-person and an online format. My dd tends to avoid online lectures, and would be much more interested in a live seminar.


I'm sure that an actual academic class would be great, but I'd love something geared towards motivating them to make the most of their high school education - something about how they need to own their education and take responsibility for stretching themselves beyond the comfort zone - both in content and in depth. We're doing traditional "school", but I'd love for her to be inspired to read real books again. That seemed to end when "school" took up more of her time, and reading was assigned. It would also be great to address study, and note taking, issues specifically for home schooled students. Something about how to balance their schooling with computer time, outside activities, family involvement, etc..


As others have said, cost is a concern here too. I look forward to hearing more about this! :)

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Just because everyone seems to be posting a preference for online, I have to come back to this thread, and say I would MUCH prefer a on-site, in person, activity, even with the added cost and the travel time from Montreal!

It would have a lot more impact on my child than online.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest lencoo12
Yeah, that! I would love an option for homeschooled teens that wasn't about "worldview" and wasn't about replicating high school!

My kids are younger, so I don't know how much my opinion is worth. But, I really like the online seminar idea. I live on the opposite coast from Virginia.

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Guest daviddwilson
yes, please!

We don't live in Virginia, but I love the idea, and if it were available in Chicago or nearby I would jump at the chance.

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