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Your School Name


Your School Name  

  1. 1. Your School Name

    • Love it and wouldn't change it
    • Hate it and would change in a heartbeat
    • Just OK but don't want to change
    • Just OK and want to change

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For those that have a school name, what is it? Narrow Gate Academy


Why did you choose it? It just fit us. I was looking for a name to use to start a homeschooling blog. We were planning to read Little Pilgrim's Progress that year. Reading about the wicket gate reminded me of the of the passage in Matthew 7. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." I homeschool because I believe that is what God has called me to do. Put it all together, and I just knew that Narrow Gate was the right name for us. Academy just sounded better than anything else I tried with it, so we became Narrow Gate Academy.


Would you change it if you could? Nope.

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Ours is OakLeaf School. My ds named it when he was 5, and it stuck. We even have a little motto that goes with it... learning from the roots up.


We considered Academy, and there are still some days I think either OakLeaf Academy or OakLeaf Preparatory School would sound better, but the kids and dh prefer just OakLeaf School.

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We have to give a name for our school on our yearly affidavit.

For those that have a school name, what is it? Lesser Road Academy

Why did you choose it? I love Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken. It seemed appropriate.


Would you change it if you could? Nope. I might would change it if the kids requested it, but they don't care. :001_smile:

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We don't have to name our school for any official reasons, so we never have...officially. Unofficially, I call it Mongoose Grammar School. Our motto is "Run and Find Out."

(We have lots of love and respect for our mascot--Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi);) Since it is not official, changing it is a moot point I suppose, but I would if it no longer inspired us.

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Alte Veste was a battle site of the 30 Years War and is now a natural area on a big hill in Furth, Germany. DS7, DD and I were all born in Germany (courtesy of the U.S. Army). I attended DoD schools growing up and in the 6th grade in Furth, I had the greatest teacher of my entire education. He took us on regular field trips to Alte Veste, where we would spend the entire day on the hill, enjoying nature and doing our schoolwork in the fresh air. We each picked a tree at the beginning of the year and for a period of time every trip, we were left alone with our tree and our thoughts. We wrote poetry and made scientific observations and measurements of the tree, seasons, general natural phenomena, etc. It was the most incredible and liberating experience of my education and a giant inspiration for my homeschooling. I find it hard to believe that 1% of kids in a school setting would be lucky enough to have an experience like this 26 years later. Sad. Lucky for me, I can replicate that in my own home, not just for one year but every year they are home with me.

What a nice story!


Ours is Cornerstone Classical Academy. Cornerstone meaning Christ is our cornerstone, our firm foundation that we build on. We like to say CCA for short. But no one really asks actually...:glare:

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Our school is called Caspian Christian Academy. It was named during our season of reading the Narnia books. In K, my daughter named the school Apple Dapple and the next year it was the sound of a whistle. Random, but she liked it. I think we'll stick with the Caspian Christian name.

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The Renaissance Academy


I wanted it to be School but there were several of those around that already had the web address and such. I really tried to come up with something else but nothing else ever came to the top of my head that sounded good or made sense.


So this is it for now. If I ever come up with something more original I shall change it but the children have stolen most of my brain cells.:lol:

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We don't need a name, but I made one up for those occasions when I'm asked for it. I chose "(Streetname) Prep". DS11 chose "The School for Kids Who Like Pie." The first one gets put on forms, but I confess I think of the full name as "Streetname Prep: The School for Kids Who Like Pie." I'm thinking we need t-shirts. :)

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