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s/o For those scouters...

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We are not involved with scouting, here in our area there is too much focus on fund raising. We are on a limited income, most folks we know are on a limited income also. We are very happy to volunteer our time on a project or help with something but we do not have money to give and we are not comfortable soliciting money from other folks who are also on a budget. Sadly, fund raising is very much the important thing here.

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We are not involved with scouting, here in our area there is too much focus on fund raising. We are on a limited income, most folks we know are on a limited income also. We are very happy to volunteer our time on a project or help with something but we do not have money to give and we are not comfortable soliciting money from other folks who are also on a budget. Sadly, fund raising is very much the important thing here.


I would call and ask leadership about this and the specifics of fundraising. We do one fundraiser a year - the popcorn. We had a kickoff at the Pack meeting the first weekend in September, then it ran for about 4 weeks, and then it was done. No one pushed it. We rarely even mentioned it in our den. If we did it was "Hey, turn your orders in by the 15th" kind of thing. And then all fundraising is done for the entire year. Some kids KILLED it and sold a ton, others sold none. Only the kids who did well got singled out. The kids also get a percentage of their sales for their scouting budget - to pay for dues, uniforms, campouts, camp, etc. so they do get something back. Anyway - please don't be put off by the fundraising until you talk with leadership - it may not be as pervasive as you think.

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One of the hardships and joys of moving every couple of years is that I have to/get to pass on all of my leadership responsibilities.


Last night, for the first time in over a year, I had not one scout related key on my key ring. Last week I gave away my huge sets of keys with almost 20 different keys to the new committee chair.


It feels so good to be "just" a parent and a committee member for a while. Probably won't last long, but maybe I can take on something a little more specific and manageable in our next unit.

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updating to say dd has earned her Queen Scout !!!!!


We're finishing up our 11th year involved in scouting with our dc (not counting the years dh & I were scouts when we were young) Scouting has been GREAT for us!

Wow! Congrats to your DD, that is a massive acheivement. :hurray:

The way J is going, I doubt he will even get his Venturer award, he's a bit slack on it.

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Wow! Congrats to your DD, that is a massive acheivement. :hurray:

The way J is going, I doubt he will even get his Venturer award, he's a bit slack on it.


I wish I could say that ds#1 is on his way to gaining his QSB as well, but he isn't as motivated as dd. But in saying that, ds#1 finished up his Silver DoE award last weekend. He just has no interest in doing the venturer award sceme (& with all our seascout activities it's hard to fit it all in). Ds#2 is more dd & I need to get things organized that he can start fully motivated in 2012 to work towards his QSB.

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