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Thinking of replacing Sonlight with another complete program.

LG Gone Wild

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If you like the Classical bent, then Mother of Divine Grace would be a good choice. Other popular Catholic programs would be Kolbe and Seton. If you are more relaxed, you might enjoy Catholic Heritage Curricula. Calvert is a popular secular choice.


Are you aware that there is a Yahoo group with over 750 members specifically for Catholic users of Sonlight? If you like SL, but would like to make it more Catholic, then you could get suggestions for Catholic additions/substitutions to SL. You can find the home page at groups.yahoo.com/group/SL-Catholic.




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I love Sonlight's thoroughness and ease of use but I am starting to dislike some of the books in its Core Programs. What would you guys switch to? I would prefer something Catholic or secular.:confused:


Just off the top of my head I'm thinking Seton would be good for you to check out.


On the secular end, there's always Calvert, but it's pricey and not as literature intensive as what you are used to doing with sonlight.

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I love Sonlight's thoroughness and ease of use but I am starting to dislike some of the books in its Core Programs. What would you guys switch to? I would prefer something Catholic or secular.:confused:


Well, I probably shouldn't be answering because I never use anything as written, but... :D

Have you looked at Winter Promise? We used Sonlight for several years but I was unhappy with some of the books too (and some of the company policies). We've used Winter Promise for a couple of years now, and I've enjoyed their programs a lot. I do supplement with Catholic materials, some from CHC and some from Our Lady of Victory. I'm thinking Seton would be kind of dry after using SL?? Just my 2 cents.

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May I respectfully disagree about the Seton recommendation? Seton is as far from a literature approach to education as you can get. Seton is "school in a box." Every subject is taught independently and in isolation.


I had the same problem with Sonlight. I own every core through 5. I stopped purchasing from them at that point b/c the slant becomes decidedly more Protestant in the 6th grade core (at least k-5 and core 6 is what they were called yrs ago when I purchased them. I believe they are the same, simply renamed)


John was incredibly open back when I was ordering them. I had issues with many of the selections (Torches of Joy specifically comes to mind). He did address the issues, but fundamentally it got to the point where the perspectives were irreconcilable for long term continuance b/c Luther is not a hero in my POV. ;)


I wish I had a simple suggestion for you. MODG does have some similarities. RC History I believe has put one together (I haven't used it, but I remember reading something about it.) There is a TOG Catholic group, but after reviewing TOG selections this summer, I decided not to use yr 2 b/c it is hard to deal with many of the same Protestant issues.


I have been putting together my own materials for the last 8 yrs for a literature based approach. I use Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum and sources like Let the Authors Speak.


If you want a highly academic program that is classical in nature, try looking at Angelicum Academy. I also like Regina Coeli but am only familiar with the high school level classes.

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At first it was Missionary Stories with the Millers. Then it was the Dinosaurs and the Bible book. The latest one is Window on the World. It's hard to put my finger on it but those books had a condescending tone to them as well as being prejudiced.


I am being nosy.. but what books did you not like and what did you not like about them?
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