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Favorite science sites

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I have a few science sites scattered in some threads, and I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to cool science sites for easy reference.


Would you like to list your favorite science sites for buying neat items?


I'll start with Charlie's Playhouse for their very cool evolution time line.



Obviously, you won't like the site if you don't believe in evolution so just ignore it and list one of your favorite sites. ;)

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I love to peruse the Carolina Biological Bible (aka Supply Catalog), but most of their stuff is mega-classroom size and too expensive. I think Home Science Tools provides a wealth of great science gear in homeschool size portions: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/


I have no idea how their website is, as I prefer print catalogs to websites.....


There are a lot of science websites I like for curriculum, but not so much for products.....

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I have not gotten into the subject much yet, because I'm spending all of our school time doing remedial reading/writing/math with our 7 yo. But I would have fun reading about what others have found.


I do like Steve Spangler's website:




I do like the Charlie's Playhouse products (I have a friend who has them so I've seen them) but I'm not ready for them yet.

Edited by laundrycrisis
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My kids adore brainpop and we all love Steve Spangler's experiments.


Robert Krampf is another good one - thehappyscientist.com I am on the experiment of the week email list and it is great. Easy, cheap experiments right in your inbox.


Great thread.

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For shopping I love Acorn Naturalist


and Nature Watch



For games we've enjoyed FOSSweb



Here is a song we had a blast learning when we did Period Table:


And videos to learn about each one



Ellen McHenry has some great free stuff on her site.


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I really like Cosmeo - but I didn't like paying for it :tongue_smilie:It was (I think) $15 a month. Of course, it was more than just a science site - and I may start up again with it in the fall. It is a great source for videos and safe links.

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Most of mine are geared toward preschool or young Elementary ages. All of them are secular or neutral.


The Learning Page - requires registration with email but I haven't received any spam from them.

SciJinks - for Space information from NASA.

Science NetLinks

Zoom Science Experiments - from the PBS show


I also like Charlies Playhouse and a variety of field guides to local animals and plants through my state's Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife (your state's may be called something different).

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