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Radio host complains about breastfeeding in public

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When my eldest was a baby there was a grandparents' advice column in my local paper. A question appeared asking about a daughter-in-law who was (shockingly!) STILL nursing her baby at 10 months old. The answer? The grandparents should help her transition to a bottle. She was obviously doing it for self-gratification and to show off her breasts! :confused: Oh my gosh, I wrote the most flaming letter to the editor. They actually wound up dropping the column from the paper.


Can't take it any longer. Putting my fingers in my ears.

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Guest Katia
Yeah, that's why I wasn't suprised when I saw the pic of the radio show host. She looked like she was maybe in her 50's. According to my parents, it was considered "trashy" to nurse back then. Like we're dysfunctional or something... It was definitely not the norm for those generations.


I disagree with this. I am in my 50's and I nursed my dc. My older sister nursed hers as well. For that matter, I knew very few moms who bottle-fed....one of my best friends bottle-fed her dc but she was 7 years younger than I was; however her dd's breast feed their dc :001_smile: And I never heard it referred to as "trashy".


Just wanted to let you know that breast feeding was definitely the norm for many that are now in their 50', 60's and 70's. Perhaps it had to do with location or socio-economic status?

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Not gonna bother listening since I know it will just tick me off! :)


With that said, as far as I am concerned, anyone who has a problem with nursing in public should stay home.


If they feel they must go out in public and they, by chance, encounter a nursing baby, they can always shove a blanket over their heads so they don't have to see such an offensive sight :P



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Remember in another thread on this subject that I chastised someone who was chastising a mother for nursing her baby at a restaurant? You don't?


Well I did it. I told that person that I thought his eating was awful. That him chewing with his mouth full was making me literally ill and he should put a blanket over his head because I was offended. And how dare he eat like a pig where everyone could see it?


That person? A male radio host who spent a solid week downing breastfeeding in public. I happened upon him in a restaurant the week after - said what I said and he was spluttering and finally just looked down at his plate. I then asked him how it felt to have someone giving you heck for the simple act of eating.


I think he got the point. :D




:lol::auto: You go, girl! What a riot!

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I"m sitting here listening to this:


Acknowledges that the mom in question was not exposed in any way, yet she "didn't want to see it." It's bad manners, in poor taste. "Women should be discrete and consider doing it somewhere else. It's sort of creepy to me." She mentioned indecent exposure while saying that the woman was never exposed... "just don't expose others to a private moment."


She suggested that the mother should have fed the child in the car on the way over. (Then denied that she suggested that.)


Suggested indecency laws and then backpedalled when a caller called her on it (apparently it's a libertarian type radio show).


She suggested that women should feed the baby in the restroom--even if they have to sit on the toilet to do it.

Suggested the woman should have sat in the car for "5 or 10 minutes" to do it in the privacy of their car . (Ha! Privacy of a car in a parking lot. Aren't car windows transparent?" )


Suggested it was a lack of preparation to not have a bottle ready if you're going to need to feed your baby in public.


Acknowledged she didn't nurse (gee, could have fooled me) but acknowledged that it's the best thing for babies.

She just doesn't want to look at it while she's eating.

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I disagree with this. I am in my 50's and I nursed my dc. My older sister nursed hers as well. For that matter, I knew very few moms who bottle-fed....one of my best friends bottle-fed her dc but she was 7 years younger than I was; however her dd's breast feed their dc :001_smile: And I never heard it referred to as "trashy".


Just wanted to let you know that breast feeding was definitely the norm for many that are now in their 50', 60's and 70's. Perhaps it had to do with location or socio-economic status?


My grandmas did not nurse their children - 50's and 60's. They had 11 daughters between them (one had 5, the other 6) and out of ALL of those girls - only THREE attempted to breastfeed and that was in the mid to late 70's and early 80's. My mother was only slightly less than horrified that I was breastfeeding our now 14yo in the mid '90's.


Frankly I can't believe this is still a hot button issue. Really? I thought we'd moved beyond this. Babies drink milk. Mommies make milk. Baby is hungry. Mommy feeds baby.


Insane. Hey. I don't like seeing anyone's breast. And I'll bet that I want to flash someone even LESS than they want to be flashed! But I'm sure not going to not feed the baby because someone has some kind of serious mental hang-up. **And, no I don't cover up the baby with a hot blanket or a diaper. I'm careful and arrange my shirt just so... It isn't hard. But if you think I'm practically going to put a circus tent on my head to "hide" the fact that I'm nursing, you must be nuts. It's like buying a billboard to scream I'M BREASTFEEDING RIGHT NOW - never understood the idea behind the nursing circus tents if you wanted to be discreet. Hm.


I will note that when we are in a small, private setting with another couple I'll excuse myself to go somewhere where I'm not looking some guy in the face, chit chatting while trying to latch on a six month old. :) But in a public area where I'm not sitting 12 inches and looking into someone's face, yes, I nurse and I do so discreetly. That said, I've seen some women practically take off their shirts to nurse just to push an agenda and frankly, that does bother me.



(Who has, btw, spent 8 years and 11 months breastfeeding thus far... Although, gratefully, not the same child!) :tongue_smilie:

Edited by BlsdMama
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I breastfed all of my children. My oldest is 27 and my youngest was breastfed until she was 3 and a half. Never once in all that time did anyone ever say anything about it. I pretty sure that I was a brazen hussy about it too. I didn't cover. I did do it in public and I am sure that on more than one occassion I inadvertantly flashed people. I had no problem with people looking, being curious or even asking questions.


But somewhere in the last 7 years or so the mood about breastfeeding in public has changed. Almost any time I see a woman breastfeeding in public, they are very discreet. Your average person would hardly even notice. Since I did it for so long, I can tell and when I see someone doing that, I go out of my way to provide a positive word.


I would pity the poor fool that would say something to breastfeeding woman when I am around. I guarantee that they would get more than an ear full while I was busy re-educating them.

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What's her email?


I don't know if I am allowed to post the email address here......


but if you go to the show's webpage:




scroll down, and the female host's email link is at the bottom of her bio...if you don't use outlook, you can right-click to copy the email address out of the link.

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I was in the Charlotte NC airport this weekend. In the women's room - a typical huge, dirty, crowded airport restroom - there was a three-foot padded bench set into the wall. No back, just the wall tiles. And this palatial area was labeled: "Nursing Mother's Room."


I made sure I had a conversation about it with my five-year-old: "Isn't that silly? Bathrooms are a good place for peeing and pooping, and washing your hands, and maybe brushing your hair in the mirror, but bathrooms are NOT a good place for nursies."


It's never too early to start educating her about her rights. Right?

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I was in the Charlotte NC airport this weekend. In the women's room - a typical huge, dirty, crowded airport restroom - there was a three-foot padded bench set into the wall. No back, just the wall tiles. And this palatial area was labeled: "Nursing Mother's Room."


I made sure I had a conversation about it with my five-year-old: "Isn't that silly? Bathrooms are a good place for peeing and pooping, and washing your hands, and maybe brushing your hair in the mirror, but bathrooms are NOT a good place for nursies."


It's never too early to start educating her about her rights. Right?


Oh, this is great! This sounds just like a conversation we would have around here, and we call bf nursies too. Actually, that is our nickname for bf and bre@sts here.

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I didn't listen long....because I instantly went into a "I need to smack someone" mode. It was much better to get a homemade latte and chill.


That said, I may email her and tell her, that "Didn't your mother teach you it's impolite to stare? Good night you twit, you could just look away if you don't like it!"


Then I'll probably have to say, "I looked up your picture and your booK crack really offends me - don't you look in the mirror? One of your booKs could come flying out and blind somebody! But, thankfully, I can exercise my constitutional right to NOT look at your picture anymore!!"


Then I will end with, "I hope the radio station dumps your program. There's a serious liability issue for them when the east coast is having a heat wave and you demand babies be kept in blistering vehicles to be fed or violate the law and put the baby in danger by taking them out of their carseats on the way to ANYWHERE!!! And lastly, why don't you take your lunch into the bathroom and sit on a toilet and eat it. Maybe you could consider it a photo OP so you can role model such cleanly behavior!"


But, I should probably just keep breathing and drinking my latte since a bunch of 4-H kids will soon be converging on my house and I really should cultivate a more positive mental energy.


Hey, we are mammals right? So, really, we are Mares. Head mare gets to physically discipline all the other mares and foals. So, who do we appoint to be head of herd! Anybody want to volunteer?



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