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Received sad news last night....

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I got a call from a mutual friend that a former colleague and friend passed away suddenly late Monday night from a heart attack. We worked together until I quit right before my ds was born. We went through infertility struggles together and then became pregnant around the same time. Her son was born 3 months after ds. She leaves behind a dh, a ds aged 10 and she was about 47 yrs old.


Would you pray for her family. My heart is so heavy. This morning ds and I spent some time talking about our shared memories with them and looked at old pictures in our album. I feel so helpless being several states away and not being able to help in a more tangible way. So, so sad.


Thanks for letting me share.


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((VH)) I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.


There has been so much shocking news recently about women dying suddenly at this age. It just blows my mind. A good friend of mine's sister of the exact age was murdered last Friday... gunned down in the parking lot of her office by a patient's husband who apparently had been stalking her!!


Young, beautiful women who have so much to live for and so many depending on them! It just tears my heart apart for everyone effected. With all the mess you've been dealing with lately, I truly ache for you right now. Hugs to you and prayers said for your friend's family.



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