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Meal help... please?

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I know these questions are asked year after year, since I've been here year after year... and I WILL search the forum and get plenty of ideas there.


BUT, since we have many new people and I am in a predicament, I will shoot off the question...


I HATE to cook. It just so happens that my children go to visit their dad from time to time. He and his partner LOVE to cook. One of my teens told me that he'd like to go live with his dad FOR THE FOOD.


SOOOO, please help me! I really detest the kitchen, though I CAN cook. I want to get in and out in a short amount of time. I like LIVING OUTSIDE of the kitchen!


I need some meal ideas... I tend to serve the same things over and over and over.


I need breakfast ideas that are hearty and teenager friendly.


I need lunch ideas for kids and teens to PACK for school or to pack and take to work!


I need side dishes!


And I need heavenly tasting dinners... mouthwatering...


And I want to get in and out of the kitchen in short time.


And I don't mind using the crock pot... but only if its VERY tasty.


We spend about $250.00 at least, every week. We have peanut and various nut allergies. We like meats and veggies...


I know, I know, I shouldn't get caught up in the competition... but I really want to do better. For ALL of us.


THANKS!!!! (please, oh, please, respond and give me some yummy ideas...)

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I like to cook a double batch of grilled chicken. The first meal is grilled chicken with veggies and salad. I take the chicken that's left and slice it and put it into alfredo sauce and then serve it with pasta the next night with a big hearty salad. You can do most of the prep the day before. :)


Steaks...again I cook double. We have steaks and baked potatoes and salad. Then with what is left I slice it up. Make a nice large salad and have steak salads with bread the next night.


Taco soup with all the trimmings--black olives, shredded lettuce, shredded cheese, sour cream and tomatoes.


Cook two pork loins in the crockpot with a nice BBQ sauce and then shredded it for pull pork BBQ sandwiches. Serve with coleslaw and chips.


Homemade pizza--layout all the fixings and let them create their own pizzas.

Serve with a garden salad.


Bake potatoes left over. Let them cook and make skillets with them in the morning. Eggs, peppers, onions, ham, bacon added to them in the morning are so delicious and filling. Serve with fruit.



Eggs, bacon (the microwave kind) and toast--takes me 10 minutes to have this on the table from the time I start.


Waffles with fruit syrup.


Chocolate chip pancakes or banana pancakes.


Farmer's Casserole-prepped the night before and then bake for 45 minutes when you get up.


Cinnamon rolls ...easy and what kid doesn't like them.;)


Bagels with cream cheese and fruit.


Flavored oatmeal with whole wheat toast.


Hope this helps.

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Taco Soup:

brown a pound of ground beef, drain. Add 1 large can of tomato sauce, 2 cans diced tomatos, 2 cans red beans, 1 small bag of frozen corn, and either a packet of taco seasoning mix or your own cayenne pepper, onion powder, and garlic salt. Add enough water to make "soupy" and simmer. Men and bows love it! You can serve with corn bread or just tortilla chips and cheese on top.


Roast beef in the crockpot. Put the meat, 1 bottle of a dark beer, red skinned potatos, an onion quartered, and some carrots (you can buy the precut ones if you want) and cook on low all day, or on high half the day. You don't even have to thaw the roast first :)


Mexican chicken : put chicken breasts, 2 cans of black beans (drained well), and a small jar of salsa in the crockpot. Cook on low most of the day, or on high half the day. Shred the chicken a bit, and serve in tortillas with chopped lettuce, cheese, whatever you want. Again, men and boys love this.


For breakfast,how about making a batch of muffins ahead of time? Or breakfast casseroles that you can do the night before? There are even crockpot ones. Also, blender pancakes are easy.

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Most families tend to make the same things over and over again :) I repeat my kids favorites, and toss in the occasional thing I know they will say "ewww" to, but I really want to try :D


It helps my sanity, and my budget, to make a full menu with three meals and two snacks per day. It seems daunting at first but it really goes quickly once you get into the swing of things. I first make a list of 14 bfast, 14 lunch, 14 dinners, 28 snacks and then mix them up and spread them over two weeks on an excel spread sheet. Try to fit things so maybe you are making roast chicken one night w/ mashed potatoes and using the left over chicken the next night ina big salad with bread.


Also helps me to prep as much as possible ahead of time. Wash, prep, and freeze fruits for quick breakfast smoothies. Chop veggies one day and wrap well in fridge for stir frys, salads, etc. If making chili, spaghetti, etc double or triple the batch and freeze the rest for future meals so you don't have to cook as much. Another thing that helps me is to always have something on a certain day, for example we always have Taco or Tostada Tuesday and Friday Night Finger Foods. I leave meals that take more prep for weekends when I have a little extra time.


You can find sample menus online, and great recipes. Hope that helps plan things for the types of foods your family likes to eat!

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Recently I made this:

Chicken breast strips in butter, fresh mushrooms and fresh basil. Just saute until the chicken is done. You could add onion or garlic as well. This would work with any veggie as a side dish.


I am baking Cream cheese surprise right now. Cut crusts off thin sandwich bread. Roll out flat with rolling pin. Spread with cream cheese. Roll up tightly and freeze. After freezing, roll in melted butter and cinnamon-sugar. Bake at 350 until crunchy.

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