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usborne il world history encyclopedia - hard or paperback?


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I'm going to buy the Usborne Internet Linked World History Encycyclopedia. Is it worth it to pay the extra for hardback? Since it is such a huge book, I wonder if the paperback will get beat up quickly. I'm leaning toward hardback but am just wondering about anyone else's experience.

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I just bought the paperback and thus havent used it but I will say I am impressed by how sturdy it feels. The cover, spine, and pages are pretty thick. I checked out the hardcover form the library and it is huge. I do like the size of the paperback better also :)

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I bought the hardcover because I have more than one child who would be using it, so more wear and tear off the shelf. That may not be an issue for you, as your child probably isn't as rough on books as my kids are. The paperback does look quite sturdy, and you could always cover it with clear contact paper to reinforce it.

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Unless they changed something, the paper back is a smaller book. I mean it is samller in size not in content. I prefer the standard enc. size because it is easier to read. We have had ours for 6 or 7 years. I consider that money well spent.




I have had both and I prefer the hardbacks. I think they are easier to read as well.

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I got the hardback. We also have UIL Science Encyclopedia in paperback, and pages were falling out after 2 months because ds was creasing the page open to where he wanted to read so it didn't flop closed while he was on the computer. (A person only has so many hands, you know.:D) Because of this, I sprung for the hardcover of UILE of World History. Worth every penny for us! I didn't realize that the book was so much larger, but actually that suits us also since ds is much more likely to read a book with larger font and pictures.

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We have the hardbacks as well for several of the encyclopedias from Usborne. I bought hardback mainly because we would be using it for several years with multiple children and I wanted to be sure it would stand up to the test. Our paperback Usbornes have been okay, but we have not used them as much.

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