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Ever been late handing in Porfolios?

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Since it almost happened to me, I've been thinking about it. I have no "official" answer, but I highly doubt anything would happen other than maybe a huffy reaction.


Procedures for "insufficient" portfolios involve being granted a 20 day period to attempt to remedy the situation well before it goes to a hearing officer. I can't imagine they'd come down any harder on a portfolio that's a day late!

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I think a lot depends on your school district and how "homeschool friendly" they are towards homeschoolers.


I'd definitley be there at the door first thing tommorrow morning when they open, just to be safe ! There is a long holiday weekend coming up and I'm sure most school's will not be open on Friday.


You might even consider calling the school and leaving a message on the answering machine telling them you tried to drop it off today at 4pm, but they were closed and you will be there first thing tommorrow morning. At least then, you have some proof on the answering machine from "today June 30th" that you tried to hand them in on the date deadline.


Our school district is pretty good about homeschool things and we have never been hassled for any reason. I've never been late on purpose, but a few years back the superintendant had asked us homeschoolers to hand our portfolios and evaluations in during the mid month of July instead of the end of June because she was going to be away on vacation during that time.


To be on the safe-side, I asked her to sign a paper with a statement saying it was because she had asked us to hand the items in late, that they didn't get in until mid-July instead of by the June 30th deadline. That way if later on, another school official/ superintendant/etc... or anyone for that matter questioned the "late" date of our portfolios and evaluations, I would have recourse and not have a problem.


I learned early in life, get EVERYTHING in writing, better safe then sorry !

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Thanks all. I'm getting in there first thing in the morning. Our district is very homeschool friendly, so I'm hoping it will be okay. I can't imagine that they'll refuse to let me homeschool next year because my portfolio is a day late.:blush: Now I hope I can sleep.

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This comes up every year, and I've never heard of anyone getting into trouble about it. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. *We* know the deadline by heart, but for them, it's a fairly minor once-a-year thing in their daily jobs. And from what I understand, it's not terribly uncommon for folks to be late. (Of course, we should try to hold up our end of the law by being on time, but moms are busy and things happen...) One day late is not a huge deal.


Just remember to get a receipt so you have proof they got it. Most of the time you won't end up needing it, but every now and again a district misplaces a portfolio.


Every year I vow to turn it in early, but every year, this one included, I'm there on June 30!

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Thanks all. I'm getting in there first thing in the morning. Our district is very homeschool friendly, so I'm hoping it will be okay. I can't imagine that they'll refuse to let me homeschool next year because my portfolio is a day late.:blush: Now I hope I can sleep.

Mollie, in this area, I don't think you will have a problem...it's only a day late. They are very homeschool friendly here. Most of the districts dump the binders in a back room, do a once over (check the evaluator's form), and then it sits there till you call back for it. Garden Spot didn't even want the binder after the first year, just the evaluator's form. Our current district won't even let you drop off the binder...the gent in charge insists on checking through it while you stand there (he just took out his form, checked off things on the evaluator's form, copied the evaluator's form, and asked a couple of questions...saw I had the binders, didn't want to look through them though I've heard he has done so with other people)...then you get sent home with your portfolio.

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I can't imagine that a day late would be a problem. Although, in our district (south cental PA) we get a letter with dates acceptable for dropping the portfolios off. This year's last date was June 28th and that's the date I brought it in. It was ready before that, I just hadn't gotten to the admin building yet. BUT, when I woke up the next morning my first thought was if I remembered to put the evaluator's letter in a page protector or if I even remembered to make sure that each portfolio had a letter or if I left them all in one. We were sort of rushed the day of evaluations and I might have just put them into one portfolio. I never looked inside of them after that. Oh well, I might get a nasty note but hopefully they'll figure out that there really IS a letter for each of them. Ugh!

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