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Is anyone else trying Science Excursion this coming year?


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It is back up. We used the Introductory Kit for K last year and it was such a hit at our house we bought the Beginner Kit (1st-3rd) for the next couple of years.


My daughter loved the hands on learning and I loved having most of the ingredients needed for the experiments right there in the kit. What a time saver.


There is a book list at the back of the Beginner Kit and I also compiled a list of books to extend the learning on the various topics that I know I'll find at the local library.


I highly recommend it. Sometimes the site can be hard to work with but I just contact Alicia and she gets back to me right away. Site should be fine now.

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We have the K and the Intermediate 4-6. I haven't gotten much of a chance to use either of them yet though. I've gotten to use the K a little more and my dd loves it (but what kid probably wouldn't??). I will say that the 4-6 is just huge. It's really jammed packed with lots of stuff. I love that everything (just about everything) is here. After finishing K, I'm sure we'll get the Beginning 1-3. I recommend it.

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everyone is giddy with excitement. My oldest (10) said go email those gals and tell them they must get this, it's the coolest thing ever. More later, we are completely overwhelmed (in a good way) the website doesn't do it justice. I don't know the author, but will be emailing her. I'm quite impressed. She did an amazing job with all the details, keeping it organized, packing it well, etc.!


That is good to hear. Let us know more after you have had a chance to look at it some more.



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Thanks for the great review. I am still considering this at some point. My oldest wants to use what we had already planned for her and get the beginning science for her brother. Then she could do both. :)


Do all of the levels have a book list or just the first level?



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest momk2000

I am looking to purchase the K and Intermediate levels. My big concern before investing the money in this curriculum is, how well do the experiments work? We had used Noeo a couple of years ago and many of the experiments they used were a total flop.

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Oh, I think I am in love. :001_wub:


I have just spent a half hour looking at the Science Excursion website, and it's clicking with me the way MCT did. I'm making myself wait 24 hours before buying....


Michele, how do you like doing 3 levels? I have a young Ker, an old 1st grader(or maybe he's a very young 2nd grader), and a young 4th grader. They usually all want to do the same thing all the time--it seems like 3 levels at once might be overkill, but I also want each individual to learn at his own level.

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I just ordered the Intermediate for my younger ds today. I'm excited to start it with him. I hope he really likes it.


No pressure:tongue_smilie:, but I ordered off of your recommendation. Plus I figured we'd actually DO science if all the stuff is there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest momk2000

For those using SE, how is it going so far? Is the curriculum all that you expected? We are not YE, but I know the author is. Would this be an issue for us if we decided to use SE?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know why the turn around for ordering is so long? I see Pensguys has waited 3 1/2 weeks and it's still not here. When I asked the company about lead time they said up to two weeks before it would ship and then another week or two for arrival. I understand that shipping can take a while because you want them to ship the cheapest way possible since you are paying for it but why could it need 14 days to put it in the mail in the first place? I guess I'm wondering if they have a cash flow problem and can't keep their supplies so you are at the mercy of them ordering and getting their stuff in before they can send it to you. That worries me because I've been through something like that with Winter Promise before and paid for stuff I ended up never even getting and one thing I got 6 months later.



I'd really like to try this curriculum but this scares me.


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Thanks for the post. I am so glad to hear you are liking it. I'm also waiting for Pensguys to get hers so I can hear what her impressions are. Something that takes a while to get here but is good is better than a science program that doesn't get done or is boring. I did email the author to ask about shipping times but she just said 2 weeks to ship and 2 weeks to mail.


I think it will end up being worth the wait/risk to go with it but I don't like being nervous. I know that most new companies aren't like WP is but that was such a bad experience I'm gun shy.



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I ordered yesterday and received an e-mail that said my order would be shipped out on the 25th --I was hoping for a little quicker since I didn't order the supply kit. I am anxious to get it and to see the Advanced program when it comes out.


I'm interested in the Advanced program as well. I would like that for my middle dd. I'm pretty sure I'm going to order the Beginning level for my 7 year old. I don't mind waiting until September for delivery since we don't start school until Sept. 7, but I wasn't planning on paying for it until September since that when we need it. But if I wait until then to order I won't get it until October.


I think she said Advanced would be mid to late September. Is that what you heard?



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