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Is age 41 too young for progesterone cream?

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In the last year I've had a bunch of changes-heavier periods, MUCH worse PMS, migraines with first couple days of period, and just a couple months ago my period arrived 10 days early (and now is staying that way) after years of clockwork periods. All this is new to me. Also having some depression that seems tied with my cycle (I think around PMS and ovulation, but I haven't really tracked it) rather than a true depression because some days/weeks of the month I am just fine.


How do I know if I need progesterone cream? When I mentioned the changes to my gyno, she wasn't alarmed and didn't offer any suggestions. Can I just buy an OTC progesterone cream and just see if it relieves symptoms? Anyone btdt that can chime in? Thanks!

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I'll be 43 this week and this all sounds so familiar. I started getting the symptoms you listed about 2 years ago. Evening Primrose Oil has helped immensely. I take 2 every night and dh can tell if I quit taking it because he notices changes in my mood.


You can have your hormone levels checked with a saliva test at a good pharmacy. They can formulate a cream for you. Dh is an MD and recommends this to patients our age all the time.

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Everything you describe sounds like me, except I'm 42. I've been using evening primrose oil for a few years and it has helped immensely with breast pain as well as with PMS. It doesn't seem to help the migraine-like headaches. I just finished reading What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause and I think I've been convinced to try the cream.


My doctor responded the same way yours did. Not very reassuring.

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Absolutely not! I use it and I'm younger than that.


I have actually used it for quite a few years.


Read any of Dr. John Lee's books and you should be able to tell whether you need it or not.


"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About...Premenopause, Menopause etc.


I use this one Renewed Balance because you use less of it than most brands. That makes it not only cheaper but easier to use. Or go here Renewed Balance

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I use pill form of progesterone at the advice of my natural minded doctor. He said he's found it hard to control levels with creams (too high/too low/hard to consistently get right). I did try over the counter creams when I was trying to get pregnant and none of them raised levels enough to prevent miscarriages due to low progesterone for me. Anyway, I'm low without supplementation and have been using it since my mid-30's.

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Absolutely not! I use it and I'm younger than that.


I have actually used it for quite a few years.


Read any of Dr. John Lee's books and you should be able to tell whether you need it or not.


"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About...Premenopause, Menopause etc.




:iagree: I just read Dr. Lee's book on Premenopause and I have just started using natural progesterone cream. Hoping it clears up a number of symptoms described in his book that I've been dealing with for a while! *fingers crossed* Either way, I learned a TON from his book and am hoping to get a hold of his Hormonal Balance book as well. BTW, I'm in my early 30s.

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I had extreme symptoms starting at age 38. I used it regularly for a few years, and it was the best thing for me. It helped all the symptoms you mention, and others that you don't. I got pregnant at 41 (delivered at 42), and since then, I haven't hardly needed the progesterone. My pregnancy cured me, I guess. :) Of course, I wouldn't recommend that as a treatment for premenopause. I would, however, recommend you read the book mentioned above, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause". I'm guessing, based on what you've shared, that you're in the throes of it! Hope you find relief soon.

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Wow, I'm so relieved that it could be something that there is a *fix* for that I could practically cry! Thank you! I ordered the book-I think that's exactly what I need to get me on the right track. I never imagined it could be perimeno starting already.:tongue_smilie:


After reading these responses, I did some research (for hours) on this board about progesterone cream, perimenopause, etc. Who knew there were so many of us dealing with this! It was SO helpful, and it all rang true to exactly what I'm going through. Can't wait to get the book and figure out the specifics so I can *feel* better!

Edited by HappyGrace
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I started using it at age 29. I'm completely off of it now, though. My biggest suggestion is to make sure the one you are using doesn't contain any phytoestrogens in it and that USP Progesterone is listed in the top 3 or 4 ingredients in the ingredient list. I have tons (and I mean tons) of information on progesterone if you are interested at looking at any of it.

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