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toilet paper

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I would start paying attention to how much I use myself, measuring how many turns around my hand it would be (once, twice?) Then teach the dc to do the same. Many kids don't realize (or know how) to fold the paper and use it again (or think it's gross). Depending on their ages, this can be a bit embarassing or difficult logistically to teach them if they are older, but necessary.


We also use flushable wipes, which really cuts down on the amount of toilet paper when things get "messy". Just make sure you teach them to only use one wipe, after using the normal amount of toilet paper, to "clean up the situation".


I'm not so sure about the flushing part, except to remind them every time they exit (at the same time as you remind them to wash their hands ;)), and if you find it unflushed later, they have to stop what they are doing and come flush it themselves. Maybe even add a quick cleaning of the toilet bowl to help them remember.

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Count squares, or give them something to measure. My oldest DD can take an arms length (her arm) and then fold it up the way i taught her and she does that reliably.


As far as flushing monitor them and make sure the toilet is flushed and they wash their hands. Just like if you were teaching them again from being small. If you find a mess call back the last user for it to be fixed.

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Mine started using one kleenex when they were training on the little potties. It was easier to set the box between them than a roll of toilet paper (oh what fun that would have been :-)! Then, DH taught my boys to use just a little square to dab the "front" part when they are done. We use flusable wipes (usually only need one) to wipe that "back" part. One loves to flush the toilet and the other doesn't like the noise. I don't force it unless it is #2 or we have guests coming over :-). They are both good at wiping up any mess and washing their hands without asking.


My boys are about to turn 5, but I have to say they didn't potty train until 4. So they were older than most when they learned this stuff. Maybe that helped in the long run :-).

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For my girls, it took buying that Cottonelle for kids that has a dog face where they should tear the t.p. I think it was about every 4 or 5 squares. That got them trained for not taking too much and eventually we moved back to regular t.p.


As for the flushing part, I have no clue. Try as I might, consistent flushing in their bathroom is a problem (not in the half bath downstairs, however???).

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Any tips on teaching your children the proper amount of toilet paper to use? I think they use about a roll a day or day-and-a-half.

On the same note -- how about getting them to flush the toilet everytime -- yuck!


I always told my kids it should be as long as their arm. So they hold their arm toward the TP and with their other hand pull it up to their shoulder.


I got this length because "way back then" one of the TP manufacturers gave out a cardboard thing that you attached to the roll and it hung down so you pulled your roll down to the end fo the cardboard and tore it off. THe cardboard thingy lasted a VERY short time, lol....but measuring it was about the length of the elementary school kid arm.

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I didn't know there was TP with a dog on it to help measure....feeling sad and cheated here ;)

Anyhow, I squish the roll so it's hard to turn it in the holder (no "free rolling") and tell them 2 turns only...it seems to have worked, b/c they get frustrated with the turning. Everyone is clean and the TP is lasting longer. I stole that idea from my cousin who has 10 kids - can you imagine how much TP they must use?!?! Yikes!



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When my kids were little, I used to tear off the proper amount of paper and keep a stack of it on top the back of the toilet for them.


As for flushing, my daughter is still having trouble with this one. There's a sign in the bathroom that says "FLUSH" by the light switch but it doesn't seem to be helping. Usually when she comes out of the bathroom I ask her if she flushed and she will run back to do it.

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After unclogging toilets almost every day for 2 weeks, we instituted the five and fold method. Five squares neatly folded is plenty. After they put 2 lengths of 5 squares in the commode they have to flush. Otherwise the toilet gets clogged. I am careful about the flushable wipes since my dh (who works for the water/sewage dept) says they don't break down like toilet paper. We have a septic system and I don't want any trouble with it.


I took my dd to an aquarium and took her to the bathroom. I could hear her counting the squares outside of the stall door, as could everyone else waiting to use the bathroom!

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