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Or Consumer Portfolio Services who like to pretend they are Child Protective Services:glare:


Any dealt with this company? They have me mixed up with someone else. They have been bombarding my neighbor 3 doors down (only one with a public listed phone number) to give me "messages" and I am not even the person they want to give the messages too. The branch can't help me because we are not in their system including our addresses. I can't help because I have neither an account number and i will not give my social to them. What??? I asked THen how the devil are you calling my neighbor to deliver messages to me if you have no record of either one of us?


Anybody have an inside track on who to call or who's name to drop to make them suddenly forgot who we are? The neighbors say they call CONSTANTLY! They've just been ignoring them.:tongue_smilie:

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your neighbor needs to ask to not be contacted again. and to get the name of the person they are speaking with. and to say that if they are contacted again, they will report them to the better business bureau. then after that to the police. conversely, they can block the number.



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We had this happen. Only we were the neighbors with the same last name getting the phone calls. I called the phone company and had our number changed and unlisted.

The thing about the calls is it was all set up by a computer so it didn't matter how many times you told people not to call. The computer would call again and again. I suggest changing your number or calling the phone company to block the number.

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Have the neighbors ask for a supervisor and tell the supervisor that they are not the people they are trying to contact and they need to stop calling their home or the police will be contacted.


Tell the neighbors that if CPS calls again, call the police. They will put a stop to it.


Ask me how I know.:001_smile:

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Have the neighbors ask for a supervisor and tell the supervisor that they are not the people they are trying to contact and they need to stop calling their home or the police will be contacted.


Tell the neighbors that if CPS calls again, call the police. They will put a stop to it.


Ask me how I know.:001_smile:


they will NOT give us to a supervisor at all. They refuse. 3 different people have tried to speak with one. Even the main branch says they have no control over them. And of course no one with their company would call neighbors.


According to google....CPS is a company that specialized in auto loans for people with less than stellar credit.


You or the neighbors applied for an auto loan? If not I would check out your credit report!


That's the one. Neither of us have applied as we both paid cash for our vehicles. They have the wrong person and even gave us the name. the rep says I am her and am telling my neighbor the wrong name to avoid her calls. :lol:


Will go and check credit to see if something has slipped by. But if they have my social and access to my credit wouldn't that have the correct name then?? It's a different name they are trying to find.

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Who knows? Generally speaking there are a lot of people with poor credit who are..shall we say....less than savory...about how they do things. Not all people but you know what I mean.


There are businesses that are less than scrupulous as well and will "overlook" things in order to "get the sale".


I don't put anything by anyone anymore.

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They are harassing you and may be in violation of the Federal Fair Credit Act (I think that's the one). You can probably find info on Dave Ramsey's web site. Next time you speak with them, tell them that you are not the person they are looking for, mention this federal legislation by name and tell them that if they contact you or your neighbor again without having sent you notarized documentation of the debt you owe, YOU WILL SUE THEM.


Their job is to intimidate you. They will say outrageous things. Don't be nervous, speak to them with confidence. FWIW, you will never get a supervisor. If someone claims to be one, it is highly likely that it is just a coworker pretending to be a supervisor and they will be just as rude and threatening, if not more so. If you have a telephone answering machine that can record calls, start recording them.


I second the recommendation to pull and check your credit report. You may be a victim of identity theft. This will make things much more difficult, but it is a situation you cannot ignore.


I hope you get this straightened out soon.

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