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PE help!


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I have recently gotten custody of my 12 yo sister. Who is not physically in the best shape, and I don't know what to do. I have been trying to make it about her dog (go take your dog for a walk), or about eating healthier (can you pick a vegetable dish for dinner), or about staying healthy (lots of diabetes in her family (we have different moms). But it is like pulling teeth. Aggghhh!


I love to run, but she won't go.


The boys ride thier bikes all day, but she just goes to the nieghbors. And our area isn't the best for much of a ride, there is about a block or so on top of our hill and to go anywhere else is a very steep hill.


Also, our yard is a rocky, sloping, and no good for playing any kind of game.


Any thoughts?

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I hate running or doing other things just for the sake of exercise, too.


So I take dance lessons. I dance because I enjoy it. The fact that it is also exercise is purely irrelevant to me.


Maybe your sister would like to dance.


What about martial arts? Fencing? Anything that seems to have an actual purpose other than exercise.

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Would she be into playing Dance Dance Revolution?


I have an 11 yo dd who is the bookworm type and not particularly physically active by choice.


There are a couple of things that work for her. One is DDR with the PlayStation 2. Another one is doing some exercise/dance videos. She also does workouts with Fitness Yourself, a program for the PC: a virtual trainer evaluates you and sets a customized exercise program. Something else my dd sometimes does is jump roping. Very effective and simple. The last thing she does is yoga, for flexibility.


I hope someone gives you more ideas.

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Family races up and down the street. Start slow so she doesn't get discouraged.


Does she like to swim? Our dc love to swim. If she can get on a swim team I think she will get in shape.


Our dc like to ice skate.


Make up an exercise course in your yard and house and have everyone do it. Make it a game.


Play twister. That will at least get her stretching.


Fly a kite...RUN while you do it. You could get a few of the cheap ones and have everyone fly together.


Go to the zoo and walk a lot.


Involve her in making a physical activity chart for your family. Plan a fun physical activity for each day for the entire family. Just ell her that you are on a mission to get more active this year. I wouldn't make it sound like it is all for her.


Go on a walking tour of your town.


Can you walk to the grocery, church, etc?


Would she do exercise videos with you?


Put on her favorite music and just dance like crazy while you both sing at the top of your lungs. Make it fun.

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Swimming is a great sport. If she doesn't know how, she can learn. In our house, swimming is their requisite phys ed as I also believe it's a life skill. My dd's are now on a team, and ds FINALLY started swimming without holding his nose (he was convinced water would go in his nose because he swam so slowly!) Can you go for walks with her? Find something fun she likes? But, honestly, some kids need more of a push than others, and it's tough to do the right way, isn't it? I can see why at 12 riding in that small area would seem boring.


Dancing can be fun, too. Or do an exercise video with her as required PE. Not because she needs it, but because PE is required, kwim? I'm happy that things will be better now for your sister and am sure it will take time to adjust.

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Well, I just second other people's thoughts. My oldest dd tends to plump and dancing and walking have been the answer for her. The minute she stops, she puts on weight. She's just going to have to deal with that all her life.


She did Irish Dancing for several years which is great aerobic exercise! Now she's more into swing dancing (she's 17 now). Also she has started going to Curves. But before she was old enough to drive, she'd go on long walks.


Is there anyway you can work it so that you can take walks together? It can be a good bonding time as well as exercise.

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I have tried to interest her in all kinds of classes- dance, sports, ect. I think that she feels very uncomfortable about joining these and I haven't pushed. Altough she might just dance more around the house, just playing more music would be easy (and cheap) to add in.


We do go hiking, that is just not an everyday activity.


I have been meaning to get jump ropes, that would be easy.


My confession about the walking. I am 5 1/2 months pregnant and walking means I have to carry my pregnant self and my two year old (in the backpack) up and down that steep hill and it is just too much for me right now.


We will be swimming more this summer (at least if you make it down that big hill there is a lake right there!)


I think for this summer I am going to get some jump ropes, pick up some videos at garage sales (there are always lots there, and they'll be cheap if we don't like them), try to remember to put on dancing music more, and it won't be long before we can start swimming everyday.


Next fall, after I have this baby, maybe we can join someplace like Curves together.


And next fall I think I will add PE to everyone's daily plans, so she doesn't feel like she is being singled out.


Thanks for your help,


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And next fall I think I will add PE to everyone's daily plans, so she doesn't feel like she is being singled out.



I think that is a great idea, Mallory. It is important that we focus on the health aspects of activity, especially with pre-teens, and not the size or shape of their bodies.


Best wishes.

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Mallory, why don't you enlist her help with the two year old? Tell her that you need her help getting some fresh air for the wee one while you are preggo...would she take her for a walk in the stroller in the afternoons? Just as far as you feel comfortable sending her at her age. Get her going like that for a while until she's a bit more comfortable with exercise, then suggest an activity like swimming, etc. Or, after your baby is a little bigger, ask her to help you take the two year old and the baby to a Mommy and Me gym class.


Just thinking maybe she'd be more willing to get out if she felt that she were helping you...

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And next fall I think I will add PE to everyone's daily plans, so she doesn't feel like she is being singled out.


Thanks for your help,



Excellent plan. I hadn't realize you are pregnant! How exciting. I agree with you on not focusing on body size and image. While I think being overweight is unhealthy (I just worked very, very hard to lose weight myself as at my age it seems to take almost nothing to put it on) it's just as dangerous to get an unhealthy body image, particularly based on the fetish with thinness. Very few are naturally skinny, and we should embrace variety!

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