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Anyone ever broken your wrist...the one on the side you write with??

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I did. I broke 4 of the little wrist bones - one of them in two places. It gets better, eventually. I learned to write with my opposite hand. I still drive mainly with my opposite hand. Do yourself a big favor and keep it still and don''t use it. I had to have mine reset - twice.


Zippers were my big problem so I spent about 8 weeks in yoga pants which I now refuse to wear anywhere. I didn't put my hair up.

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I haven't, but dh did once. If they tell you to get some physical therapy for it after it heals, take them seriously. Dh scoffed (he was in his 20's and still thought he was invincible ;)), never did it, and still has problems with that wrist.



And yes, it gets better. :001_smile:

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I did! As a child, I was a tomboy, and I broke both of my wrists. I broke them at different times. Mine did heal, but they have always been weak. I have a real hard time doing push-ups, or anything that uses my wrists for a long period of time. It is not something that is a daily nuisance though. Good Luck!:)

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I've broken two bones in my life--both from falling out of bed LOL!!


I broke my wrist in college and its never been the same. Like PP its weak and cannot handle much weight or strain. I don't know why-but don't over work it, let it heal and just give it the time it needs, don't rush it.



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I broke the wrist ends of my ulna and radius a few years ago. I was 12 weeks pregnant with dd and couldn't take any pain killers (they made me nauseous) and had a very active 18 month old. They also were worried I would need surgery but couldn't do the detailed CAT scan they wanted because I was pregnant. My first cast covered from the top knuckle on my fingers to my shoulder - that was hard. When they switched to the cast from the base of my fingers to my elbow, life was much easier.


It does get better. Six weeks sounds a lot worse than it is. I mostly felt bad for dh because he would work all day, come home and cook dinner, do dishes, bathe the kid, etc. Anything involving water was impossible to do without assistance. I also couldn't drive. Our Suburban was in the shop (this happened in a car accident) and our remaining vehicle was a manual transmission.


I agree with the others on physical therapy - definitely go if its recommended. My wrist didn't actually stop hurting for almost a year and a half but I think I continued to aggravate it taking care of my son and dd once she was born. When it bothered me I would wear a brace and it helped a lot.

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Thanks for all the advice. They are giving it a week before deciding whether or not I need surgery. I have I have a little piece of bone that chipped away and is sitting there. Dr. said it may grow back into place, or it may not. More x-rays next week. I have a splint with a fiberglass cast over it...up to my elbow. It is misery. I am trying not to take pain meds but I am about to give in!!!

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