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Geography as a Science credit?

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My daughter took BJU's World Geography course this past year for her freshman year. I intended it to be counted toward a history credit but am now wondering if it could be counted toward a science instead say as an earth science course which is required in the state of Kentucky for graduation. Would that be legitimate in your opinion? Just wondering.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I wouldn't think so because Geography and Earth Science are very different courses. Can you find a course description of the Earth Science course required by your state to compare with what you covered in Geography?

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Yeah after thinking it over I suppose that would be stretching it a little. The course they describe as Earth Science pertains to geology, meteorology, and so forth so that wouldn't work. We studied just the physical and social aspects of the world with no labs.


Thanks for the comments!

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Yes, I possibly could count it as half of a credit and tack on a semester of space and physics somehow to make it a full science credit. She needs 3 science credits with one of those credits being an earth/space/physics so I was thinking somehow her geography could count for the earth part.


She'll meet her history credits with no problem so was just wondering if I could flip those.


Hmmmm, decisions, decisions!



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Was it the older World Geography or the new edition, Cultural Geography. We bought the newer edition this past year and dd used it, and it has a lot of history and culture in it. Form what the BJU rep told me, though, the older course had less history and culture in it and was a more traditional geography course, so maybe that would count partially toward a science credit?

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