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Spring is here!!! The towels & sheets are hanging on the line...

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the children are playing games with the sheets on the line, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, the baby enjoys the swing... Ah! Spring!


Just had to share my rejoicing! Hope you all are having wonderful days at your homes! :001_smile:

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I have just one word for you: pollen. Pollen, pollen, pollen and more pollen. My porch is bright yellow with it. Oh, I want to appreciate spring, I do....but pollen.


I was thinking the same thing! My black car is truly *yellow* (well, a very slightly greenish yellow), my driveway is yellow, my steps are yellow, the air is yellow! I ran into a friend a couple of days ago who moved here with his family within the last year. He said, "I thought people were joking when they said my car would turn yellow -- I had no idea it could actually happen!"


The idea of hanging sheets in the breeze sounds like a fantasy to me right now. ;)

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