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weekly assignments/ planning

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I am planning my hs year for my dd. I have seen that some people make weekly assignment sheets that the child checks off each completed assignment. How do you do this? Do you do it in a word processing program or do you do you use other more complicated programs such as Homeschool Tracker?

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I made a spreadsheet in Excel to do this. Horizontally across the top are columns for each day of a week. Vertically down the side is each subject we study. I put a brief line for each day's work in that subject (if there is any - there isn't always, for science and history). I make it in bold type if it's something they can do independently, in italic type if they need my help with it.


Erica in OR

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I use Word and plan 2 weeks ahead. Doing it that way also enables me to reserve books from the library in time for me to p/u when needed.


I make a schedule with all subjects to be completed for that particular day

print out and put in to color coded folders with prongs. Each child is assigned a color. When I need to make the next weeks schedule I copy/paste save with new week's number. Then I change the assignments where needed.


Does that make sense? KISS keep it simple silly :D

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I use Homeschool Tracker (the free version) for my lesson plans and write the daily assignments on a big whiteboard for my ds. He's a visual kind of kid and likes erasing the assignment once it's completed. Gives him a sense that school WILL eventually end that day!:lol:



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I use a simple spreadsheet. I have the subjects across the top, and the weeks numbered down the left side. I have four weeks on each sheet (landscape layout). At the beginning of the school year, I plan for the whole year, placing four days of assignments in each box. I print out the assignment page once a month, making adjustments as necessary, and getting necessary books from the library. I like using the spreadsheet because it's easy to bump assignments if we get behind (or ahead).


I tried to attach a sample of my plan, but the file size is too big for the forum limit. I'd be happy to e-mail you a copy. Just PM me. (click on my name, then send me a message)

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I make up a document in my word processor. I just change the assignments each week.


My youngest prefers to have a time-based schedule. Since she does nearly everything with me, I don't put actual assignments on her schedule, just the name of what we're working on. I do her schedule in table format in a word processor document.

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I found this one and it looks awesome! I am planning on using it. Free, of course.




It is set up for 6 weeks, but each sheet is a separate week. It also gives room beneath the table, where you can put other notes (I might list chores for the day, or other random things for the week like "write Grandma a letter, etc.)

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LOL--I wonder if I'm the only one who still writes out weekly assignments in a teachers' planner from Office Depot? My kids make me feel like a luddite on a regular basis, and now you guys are doing it... :)


Well, for the last few months, after I decided I would pick and chose from Calvert, I had been writing dd's assignments on any old torn off shred of paper, usually over breakfast. So you can see why I am feeling the need for more organization :lol:

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