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Sydney, Australia - need to know...

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DH will interview for a job in Sydney. It's a longshot but I like to know things in advance. We have never been there but are open to most international posts.


Please share all you can about living in Sydney - the good, the bad, the ugly. Please include living costs for a family of five dc, homeschooling laws, cultural activities, insects, best places to fly to from the international airport, types of housing, everything.


How do Australians feel about Americans? We are interfaith, multi-ethnic, well traveled, multi-lingual homeschoolers.



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I am not a Sydneysider, so I can't tell you much about Sydney.

I can give you a link to read up about homeschooling in NSW: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/manuals/#home_ed_info_pack It's one of the more regulated states, but not impossible.


Sydney has over 4 million people, so it's got a good range of cultural stuff. It has good public transport infrastructure. The major sport is probably Rugby League.


To see cost of housing look at www.realestate.com.au but beware, I don't know where in the US you are, but Sydney is expensive! Most houses are brick, aircon is common but not universal, central heating (usually gas fired) is fairly universal.


Food is more expensive here, as is power, petrol and consumer goods. Check out www.colesonline.com.au for an idea of costs.


Tax rates can be found at www.ato.gov.au

9% superannuation is a compulsory part of a package and it must be put into an approved fund, there are quite tight rules about how and when you can access it.


They've just tightened up the rules for getting permanant residency even more, so your job has to be on a special list to even be eligible to apply. I don't know how work visas go.


Medicare is the government medical plan, I *think* on a work visa you would be entitled to it. You get a card which you present to the doctor you wish to see, they will either charge you nothing (bulk bill) or charge you an amount ($55-70 for a GP) and you or they help you claim back the Medicare portion (about $35) You also use it for blood tests, medical imaging, specialists etc. If you want private health cover, you can get some idea of what it costs at www.iselect.com.au Private insurance is "hospital" covering admissions to hospitals and tests etc while admitted, and "extras" for things like dental, optical etc. You can not get private insurance for normal GP and specialist visits, basic medical imaging etc. As a family of 5 with no major health issues, our out of pocket is never more than $1200 a year (if it was we'd be eligible to a tax refund, hence me knowing this) If you are not entitled to Medicare you will have to get a full policy.


Insects, Sydney Trap Door spider (lethal but not many get bitten I think) Huntsmen, Red Backs etc. Nothing too scary, certainly no worse than you have. No bears, wolves, hyenas, scary big cats etc. Only possums and kangaroos etc.


You can fly pretty much anywhere from Sydney, but good destinations which are close are Bali and other areas in Asia, Fiji and other Pacific Islands and New Zealand, plus of course, the rest of Australia.


I find Aussies pretty accepting of newcomers, I think that Americans be seen as a bit ignorant of the rest of the world, but that depends on the individual American really.

Edited by keptwoman
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I think Sandra has covered it well.


I am not in Sydney or even their state but one thing to mention is commuting distance. I have two friends who moved to Sydney and they were both shocked at the 1hr commute each way to get to work. Some people travelled even further. They were on public transport, train and ferry but that is a long time to factor in your day if you are used to working 15 mins from home. Especially if you are expected to work back to finish something or attend meetings/functions after normal business hours. Their commute was so far because that was the closest decent suburb they could afford and they were both in share houses with reasonable paying jobs.


Housing is very expensive. Without permanent residency my understanding is that you can not own a home here therefore you will be renting. Maybe the company hiring your husband will provide accommodation as part of his package?? We have had that done for us in the past when relocating.


From Sydney you can fly anywhere in the world. It is a major international airport. There is also domestic travel within Australia although that can be expensive, depending where you go. In fact i am on the west coast and it is cheaper for me to go to Asia for a week that go to Sydney.


I think most Australians are open to Americans or anyone for that matter.

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Insects, Sydney Trap Door spider (lethal but not many get bitten I think) Huntsmen, Red Backs etc. Nothing too scary, certainly no worse than you have. No bears, wolves, hyenas, scary big cats etc. Only possums and kangaroos etc.




Oh. I don't know about this comment. ;) I've seen pictures of these creatures and heard first hand accounts from several friends who've had encounters with them. I wouldn't describe them as nothing too scary. :tongue_smilie::lol::001_huh:


Oy. I've never seen a spider like the ones I've had described to me. *shudder*


Okay, now that I got that out of my system, y'all can carry on your conversation now. :)

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Oh. I don't know about this comment. ;) I've seen pictures of these creatures and heard first hand accounts from several friends who've had encounters with them. I wouldn't describe them as nothing too scary. :tongue_smilie::lol::001_huh:


Oy. I've never seen a spider like the ones I've had described to me. *shudder*


Okay, now that I got that out of my system, y'all can carry on your conversation now. :)

LOL, well Trap Doors are lethal but you've just got to be careful, and Huntsmen are HUGE but kinda cute and very timid. Now Bears on the other hand, they can eat a person :tongue_smilie: and when we were in the US I spent the whole time we were in the house by the lake looking about me and freaking out because of a bear, not helped by the fact that our DS saw one on the driveway, so yanno. I think you win in the scary beasts contest!!

Edited by keptwoman
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I come from Sydney and it is a very pretty city in some places- I havent lived there for 25 years though. I hear its very expensive, and from my visits to family, I know there is a darned lot of traffic. Its crowded and busy. Dont let that turn you off coming to Australia though! Its not all like that!

Sandra covered it all pretty well.

I live in the west now- no funnel web/trapdoor spiders over here! I think they have an antivenom anyway.

As Sandra said, Australians are pretty friendly and tolerant, and Sydney is a multicultural city. The attitude to Americans is generally on an individual basis- we give everyone a go.

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