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Do you have a favorite timeline for logic stage?

Robin in Tx

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I have been very pleased with this timeline: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/%93We+Signed+the+Declaration+When+Beethoven+Was+Five%3F%94%3A+A+History-Line+as+You+Learn/020115/1207577629-401548


The pages are perforated and fold up like an accordian to fit into the 3-ring binder; however, you can also take out the time and lay it flat to "see" the history as the pages span across the floor.

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I made my own timeline using a watercolor pad (11x15 inches, 12 pages). I like the pages because they are very thick and sturdy.


I have included the cover page I made for it (since it spans SOTW Volumes 1 and 2 perfectly) and the date strips I typed up to adhere to the middle of the page.




You can see pictures here:




I used the timeline pictures so kindly given on the old WTM forum. You have to access it through Yahoo Groups (Hannah_hs_helps) .



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I use half sheets of cardstock taped together at the back with packing tape. so the timeline is only 5.5 inches tall. I drew a line right through the center and marked off the years. For ancients, I used four half sheets. For middle ages, we added another 5 sheets to the ancients. It's small but effective.


I then Google images of the people we are studying, print them out along with the name and date they lived. The kids stick them on the appropriate spot with double stick tape. At the end of the school year, I have the finished sections laminated.


I tried a book approach, to save wall space, but we never looked at the timeline. Our timeline is a wall timeline, and we look at it all the time now.

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I haven't done a timeline yet, but I really like the looks of these


They have a special boxed set called "Classical Education" that has one timeline for each of the four history periods in the 4 year cycle.


They used to have a blank timeline (so you could make your own), but I don't see it on the website tonight.



I like the Knowledge Quest timelines, too. She (Terri) has a book format (book or CDROM), and a wall (scroll) format, and also sells the timeline figures (print or CDROM).


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Trying to decide if I want to buy one or make my own. What does the hive think?





We're not quite at the logic stage yet, but my ds has enjoyed making timelines for Canadian history. I feel like he retains quite a lot more from doing it with his own hands, as opposed to reading a pre-made one, or pre-made stickers and such.

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We've just started using the Easy Timeline Creator. So far I love it! Each child has a personal file, and I have one for myself, which really is helping with planning for next year. The kids think it's fun to update, and they can customize it as much or as little as they want. I tried a wall timeline (the one from Pandia Press) and decided I didn't like looking at it, so this is perfect for me.



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