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Handwriting program for a first grader


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Does anyone have any recommendations for a handwriting program for a rising first grader? She has pretty good handwriting for her age, but I think she could still use some work on neatness. I had considered Handwriting Without Tears, but I would like some recommendations on other options. Thanks!:001_smile:

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IMO HWT is great for kids with issues, but overkill for typical kids. With handwriting, any method will do. I'm partial to D'Nealian but the big deal is proper formation and legibility, and with that all you need is to practice it right til they get it, and require them to use it and do it correctly once they've learned it. So if they've learned it and it doesn't meet your standard, have them go back and fix it. No workbook necessary for that.

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For a child already competent with writing (form, legibility, etc.) I plan to just do copywork at his level/stamina. I don't feel I need a formal program until we get to cursive.


I've got a struggler still working on lowercase letters. We'll still just do practice because he knows how to form them (via HWT K materials). For learning to form I think HWT is a good program but it sounds like you're way beyond that.

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I do copywork CM style with my rising 1st grader. I give her whatever she can do beautifully in 5-10 minutes. I use sentences from books that we are currently reading. I make up the worksheets using a free internet site. Easy, fast, cheap, enjoyable for both of us.

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We use Italics. You may search this forum for "Getty-Dubay" and/or "Italics" for more info.
I love GDI... the look, the books... everything. My eldest goes through a book then does 10 minutes of "best handwriting" copywork per day for the remainder of the year, typically public domain material (e.g. one of the Just So Stories) I print using the GDI font from Educational Fontware. The copying is done on lined paper and we "bind" each story when it's finished.
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I love Zaner-Bloser. We tried Getty-Dubay and copywork with Startwrite, but Zaner-Bloser was the one that worked. There are sentences to write, and one thing that I really like about it is that the directions are in the student book (including posture and pencil/paper positioning). It really makes a difference to have them there. Getty-Dubay had a separate teachers manual.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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I started using StartWrite to make copy writing work sheets for dd6. A girlfriend who teaches 4th grade was over yesterday and she was reviewing the portfolios I made for the girls with me. I was showing her 3 sheets. She looked at the first 2 and said this is a decent improvement. Looked at the 3rd and said it belongs in dd11 folder. I told her no, this was dd6 most recent worksheet. She was shocked. She said it is beautiful. Leaps and bounds more advanced than her 4th graders :) The improvement between April and now is huge.


I love StartWrite, I use the Italics and Italic cursive for the older. I make the copy writing worksheets, have dd11 do literature worksheets that I input. It has helped her writing because it makes her slowdown and form the letters. I also use it to make blank linked sheets for any other writing we do. Spelling, history, etc. You can adjust the font, midlines, etc. They respond well to worksheets I create on it. DD6 printing has come a LONG way in just 2 months she's been home.

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Getty-Dubay had a separate teachers manual.
I have the TM but have never used it, and, IMHO, it's not a necessary component. The instructions in the student books get more detailed as you progress through the series.
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