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What is worthy of memorization?

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Bible verses (in a row--you know, passages, not just isolated verses)

about the Incarnation and Resurrection

Nicene Creed

Names of 12 Apostles

Books of the Bible

Words to several hymns


Gov't, Geog

Preamble to the Constitution

States and Capitals

Countries of each continent

World capitals



Math Facts--standard plus perfect squares and some other things

Months of the year, days of the week, how many feet in a mile (:D), measurements

Favorite poems--Dickinson, Blake, Wordsworth, Rosetti, Longfellow, among others


I'm sure there's other stuff--formulas and things. I would love it if dd would memorize the periodic table--we might, but haven't gotten there yet.

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I definitely agree with memorizing large chunks of the Bible, but you don't indicate your religion, so it's possible another book would be more to your liking.


Otherwise, I'm working on memorizing the 1st amendment, and the entire Bill of Rights is on my list. The Declaration of Independence and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address would also be good.

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Math facts and formulas. World and US Geography (as in being able to name the countries, flags and capitals as well as locations). Important dates in history and how they relate to the timeline.


As far as reciting poems and lit goes, we don't do that. I prefer to study the works and have the children know what is happening and why the work is significant rather than devote time on memorizing (not necessarily saying those that memorize aren't spending time on the meaning). I have seen children that can recite but unfortunately don't have a good grasp of what the importance of the work is that they have spend a great deal of time memorizing.

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just for a start....


Macaulay-The Lays of Ancient Rome

Kipling-Too many to mention



McCrae-In Flanders Fields

Coleridge-Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Tennyson-Charge of the Light Brigade

Frost-Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening

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