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My library disaster

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I occasionally used the toddler backpack/harness, too, when my son was a little younger.


I never got a negative comment or look that I've noticed (I did get quite a few positive ones, or friendly smiles, though).


It was only on online message boards that I realized they were apparently so controversial. But whenever I "hear" someone making some sort of negative comment about how "leashes are for dogs" I just roll my eyes. To me it's the same thing as saying you shouldn't put your baby in a crib because it's too much like a cage/crate and those are for animals/dogs... silliness! Safety first, right? (Not to mention comfort- I know my kid preferred the monkey backpack to having to hold on to my hand or be confined to a stroller).


So I agree, try that next time you go to the library :) And don't worry, he'll outgrow this stage!

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I was against leashes also until we adopted dd. She is a fast runner for her size and is still getting the whole "you need to obey us" thing. She also has a mild hearing loss to boot so I am a child-leash lover now. I also get a lot of comments including 'is that legal?" My friend is now on my side since she watched her for a couple of hours and dd took off running causing my friend to have to do a full sprint.


I avoided libraries with her for a while too and just had dh pick up books at the desk. There were too many incidents involving screaming at the top of her lungs and pulling all the books out ect ect. I really loathed the library for a while there and it's a small one.



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Large, small, it didn't matter. I stopped taking youngest with me for ... years. She ran around and didn't obey. She made library trips un-fun. Thankfully she has grown up.






BUT, a couple of our local libraries (including the big "Main Library") have kid's rooms. I would look for one of those. Generally, they have the ability to check books out there so you don't have to deal with the adults in the other room. I would go online, reserve the books I wanted from the adult section, and take my dd to the kid's section. Also, if you go during a "story time," or other child friendly activity, these little outbursts are expected.




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Get thee a leash for thy child and do not thou feel guity for one minuteth.


I am SO SORRY that you had a library experience like this. I can only imagine. I don't think I ever took my girls to the library when they were small for this exact reason. I feel like I didn't leave the house for about 5 years, LOL!


I have a puppy backpack/leash for Schmooey and have not been using it. Taking him anywhere at all makes my brain feel fried afterwards. Thankfully, the library here has a large children's area away from the door and he stays over there pretty well, and I have my older girls to help me. Otherwise, we would not go to the library. I would put all my books on hold and have dh pick them up.


I think I'm going to have to break the leash back out. He doesn't like it, but he is NOT good about staying close and not running amok in any store, and he pitches a fit when I ask him to ride in a cart. So, back on the puppy leash it is!

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Three is a hard age. ((Hug))


I always stand back and look at the surroundings and other things that might influence my child's behavior. Were they tired? Was it close to snack time? Were we in a new, exciting place? Were they bored? Usually there is something I can link it to and the next time I plan accordingly.


If I were a little one in a place new to me, with plenty of room to run and I was tired of waiting, I'd probably run away too. ;) It sounds like a mix of boredom + testing the waters.


Does he need to learn to stop and come when you ask? Absolutely!!! But it's not going to happen overnight. It will take gentle and patient training on your part.


Does he have a library card? Perhaps he would be excited to have a card and have the ability (with your help of course) to check his books out himself. While you are in the training stage, yes, the stroller is a great idea!!

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When ds5 was 2 we went to the library one day and he was in a stroller. I was looking at books for myself, reading the back of a couple books, when the Fire Alarm went off! My 2 year old had escaped the stroller without me noticing and pushed the alarm button! ....


This made me LOL.....and they were jerks to say what they said to you. Some power hungry 'supervisor' I imagine.

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We just moved into a new town a couple of weeks ago and I took our kids to the highly popular, large, downtown library. I was drawn to it because they have fun toy bags, story bags and great programs. But, it was a disaster. Let me just preface and say I took my almost-three-year-old and 9 month old.


Things went relatively well until we were in line to check out our books. Then my two year old runs away from me laughing and heads for the door, which has a busy street just yards away from it. I put down the baby (she was in a car seat), and ran to get my son who was in between the inside and outside doors. I'm yelling "No" and "Stop!" at the top of my lungs, and I get to him before he runs out the door. By this time I've set off the alarms, (since I had books in a bag with me) and everyone is staring at us. The security guard sternly looks at me for setting off the alarm and asks if I had checked out the books--um, no, I was trying to save my son's life.


I then don't know what to do and this kind lady offers to check out my books while I hold my son. I'm crying at this point and very grateful for her help. I lecture my son and tell him he can't have the toy bag we were going to check out.


Libraries are usually my happy place, but not today. I am definitely going to check out other, smaller, libraries and if I really feel the need to visit the large branch I'll bring a double stroller. I know I need to work on my son and discipline, it's just that with the setup of this library I didn't have time to call out my usual 1-2-3 warning. My husband suggested playing a go-stop game with him to help him understand stop. What am I going to do when my baby learns to walk in a few months and they go in two different directions? Not to mention that she climbed onto our couch today by stepping on a bag of books.:001_huh:


Does anyone else prefer small libraries to large ones?


A 3 yr old still fits in a stroller. Give them a toy to play with or a drink or something while strolling and looking. I would not ever go out with them after she starts walking without a stroller. Have her in a stroller and him on one of those stuffed animal leashes.

I had 3 kids in 3 years. I used the stroller extensively until my children were old enough to understand the rules. I am outnumbered and that means if one gets away and I run off after them that the others are in danger b/c I have left them alone.

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This is so cute.


You should have seen the intense pride on her little face the day she got to walk for the first time holding the cart. Shoulders thrown back, pigtails bouncing, chubby little fist clenching the cart with all her might to be sure she didn't mess up and let go. I hate that I didn't get a picture!

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Never fear such dramas in a library.


Librarians see, hear, and clean up after much much more than you can imagine. (And worse-write policy for how to handle such occurrences.) A couple of kids running around a library may be annoying but it is just the tip of the iceberg on the "how can my day get worse" scale for a librarian. No matter how irritated they sound even they know this is an easy "problem".


Fear not and return to the library next time without shame. Odds are no one on staff will even remember.

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